Chapter 2315 Wenwu Shuangquan

“You are going back to the Chinese territory, you, come with me.” The man said hoarsely, and walked out of the basement with a cane.

He suddenly said a “return to the Chinese territory”, except for the expression of J5, there is no change in the expression of Ye, and they are all awkward, and the V8 even raised the micro-gun in the hand a little.

J5 pressed the hand of V8 and stared at the man’s slow-moving back. He said to Ye: “He is not malicious, Ye Jian, you go with him and see what is happening. His name is Kundan. You can call his name directly.”

As long as everyone who knows Kundan knows, Kundan not only talks, keeps secrets, but also, he never chats with his guests. He wants guns and ammunition, he provides demand, guns are good, money is clear, continue I went to the motorcycle repair shop where few people found it.

Ye Jian does not trust the man, but believes that J5, nodded and stepped forward to catch up with the man who is strange and behaving strangely.

“Let’s go to the test gun first.” J5 and other leaf Jane walked through the dim underground passage and said to V8: “Hurry up.”

“I used to look at it, a little uneasy.” V8 thick eyebrows tightened, “You test guns with them.”

“Believe me, brother, Ye Jian will not have anything.” J5 smiled and patted the shoulders of his comrades. “I might guess why Kundan said that Ye Jian is very beautiful. Ye Jian’s eyes are a bit like his daughter. I have seen His daughter photo.”

Qin Xiu is also very worried that people who can provide arms, even a leg disabled is also a dangerous person.

“Ambass, let’s test the gun first. Rest assured, I promise that Ye Jian will not have anything.” J5 saw that Ye Jian had just stepped out of the basement. Their excellent diplomat had subconsciously taken a small step, intending to follow the past, laughing. “Although it is a dangerous person, he can guarantee the safety of all the guests who come to him with a gun.”

The Snow Eagle has checked the number and several people have taken the weapon to enter the test room.

Very professional test room, Qin Xiu brought a good earmuff, and a bullet was shot in a standard position.

Not bad, the chest target has bullet holes.

Looking back at him, Qin Xiu’s mouth smirked a very shallow smile. He tried it with a gun, and the special forces had to check both inside and outside the gun before they started shooting.


Several people’s shooting guns were completed at the same time. The sound of the guns could be heard even if he had earmuffs. The pistols were finished, and several of them picked up the microguns at the same time…

The movements are neat and tidy, as if they have been trained for thousands of times, they can be consistent without communication.


Compared to his serious shooting, the special forces shot more casually, picked up the gun, did not see how to aim the bullet has been fired.

The profession has a specialization and it is the difference between him and them.

Outside, Ye Jian sees Kundan hooking a sewer iron cover with an iron hook, turning his head, his face with a scum, pointing to the bottom, not talking, going down first.

The leaves are simple, and I breathe slowly and slowly.

Below the iron cover is a simple ladder welded by steel. Although Kundan has only one leg, his arm strength is quite amazing, and he relies on a single foot to the iron ladder.

There seems to be a hole in the seemingly inconspicuous motorcycle repair shop. Under the iron cover well is an intricate underground cavern that is warm in winter and cool in summer. Kundan lives here and everything is there.

Ye Jian, who came in, stood at the exit, and did not immediately walk in completely.

(End of this chapter)

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