Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2343 - Is it good to pass it out?

Chapter 2343, is it good to pass it out?

General Wu Weinu sitting on the top was said by them, and I said that I had already sunk.

Finally, I patted the table impatiently and screamed: “No matter who you are, you must first give me a rein tonight! Let’s go down, firepower, and let Rilila live tonight!”

A logistics oil depot said no, no, I don’t know who was blown up, is it interesting to pass it out?

No matter who it is, I only believe that this is the thing of Riley!

The war started from 7:00 in the evening, and the gunfire suddenly became more intense at 2 o’clock in the morning.

And Ye Jian, who had opened the chase, had already abandoned the car, braved the heavy rain and arrived at the South Maid in two hours, and sent the latest positioning point back to China.

At 3:40 in the morning, there was no point in the rainstorm. The sky was still thick and thick. They received the J3’s recently positioned G3 and they accelerated their pace.

“Twenty kilometers away from us, fast! Keep up!” G3 with a rifle wiped the rain on his face, and with a big hand, he took the first step to speed up and walk in the dense jungle.

The jungle poisonous worms in the country, as well as the dry grasshoppers that will sneak into the body to **** blood, pass through the jungle, shake the body, can shake out countless unknowing worms.

The leaves of the whole body were wet and the neck was stuck with a dry grasshopper until it was sucked, and the hand was touched. I don’t know when the dry grasshopper that had been stained had already sucked.

This kind of little thing slammed on it, and it was really shocking that a goosebump was coming out. The leaf slip that had just emerged from the rain of the bullets could not help but chill.

The dry grasshopper is longer and bigger than the water grasshopper, and the suction cup is also tighter.

She said to K7 around me: “Help me get it, dry grasshopper.”

“Where is the trick?” K7 stopped and turned on the flashlight in his hand. In the rainy night, he saw Ye Jian’s back neck with a black piece of something clinging to it.

Pulling out the dagger, the sharp blade is attached to the skin, and the cold touch comes with it. Ye Jane can feel the K7 with the blade to open the front suction cup of the dry grasshopper, and then open the suction cup at the other end, sucking the blood to the inflated guy.

K7 lifted the foot directly to crush, and then lifted the foot and stepped out the **** with the toes to bury the black dry grasshopper and blush blood together. The rain washed again, and there was no trace in the place where it passed.

Not only was Ye Jian alone, but all the way down, almost everyone was recruited, there was on the arm, there was on the leg, and there was a stain on the face of the last snow eagle.

The rain is too big, and they bring certain difficulties to the walking in the jungle. Grab the leaves with one hand, and slowly slide down the thick dead leaves. If you are not careful, the whole person will fall down directly and tail. Vertebrae pain is distorted to the five senses.

The air in the jungle is not fresh. In addition to smelling the decaying smell of trees, the rain and the smell of smoke burned in the mountains.

At 4:30, although the heavy rain did not stop, the sky finally pulled out a faint smoky skylight, and the rain turned over the hills and they saw the smoke on the north side of the mountain.

There is a smell of burning oil in the wind that comes from the wind. A few look at each other and there is an eccentric answer in each other’s eyes.

There is a smell of burning oil in the wind. If the rain is so big, the smoke is not pressed down. How do you think… like the explosion of the oil depot?

It is possible that the underground oil stocks will explode. The collapse of the soil around the oil depot will cover the open flame, and the thick black smoke will flow into the sky, so that people will not see the open flame.

520’s confession, more real, updated in advance.

Recommended ticket, monthly ticket GOGOGO

520 day to update goodbye…

(End of this chapter)

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