Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2375 - 揉一揉, a pain

Chapter 2375, a pain, a pain

Ye Jianyang smiled brightly, pointing to the room, silently and silently with his lips: “When you return to the house, the summer team.”

Listening to the story tonight is really enjoyable, but at the same time, she has not forgotten her neck to kiss the traces, so that she is awkward!

I knew that Xia Jinyuan, who had a lot of twists and turns tonight, would close the door and gracefully walked over. His eyes glanced at the dark rainy night ahead. “How did he leave so urgently? Go back to Beijing?”

“It is a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to let him return to Beijing. It should be an urgent matter.” After answering Ye Jian, he immediately looked at the man standing next to him. “What are you doing? I have to go back to sleep, you go early.” rest.”

After that, there was still a yawn.

They were all discovered by their comrades, and her face was lost… lost!

Xia Jinyuan smiled slightly. “I really slept too much during the day. I woke up and it was already dark. I really didn’t feel sleepy at the moment. Just now, I can listen to you talking to him, huh? Why, come to me and say sleep.” Already?”

The word “Hm” has a hint of a hook, and it has a deep taste, and slowly bends over. The dark eyes smile and look at Ye Jian slightly. The thin lips are raised a little, some are bad. Slowly said: “Do you want to sleep with me?”

Ye Jianyan smiled and came over. “I have already slept, and I will stop tonight.”

Chatting with the summer team, you must always remind you that your face is thick and your face is thick! Otherwise, the prospect will fall, and he will be teased.

After several years of getting along, Ye Jian has had his own experience.

Xia Jinyuan loved to come to me with her mouth. In the shadows, his tall and tall body leaned toward Ye Jian, and Ye Jian leaned back. He continued to approach, and smiled like a smile: “You sleep. I am, have you been responsible for it? How did you sleep on your forefoot, and your feet did not recognize people?”

“You slept me, I have to sleep and sleep, so that is fair, right.”

Who is fair with him…

Knowing that his lack of effort, Ye Jian reveals a smile, then quickly turns around and pulls up the stairs and runs upstairs.

Xia Jinyuan sees this, and laughter comes low.

How can I be so cute, and I want to hold it in my arms and have a good pain. It hurts.

Sleeping still has to wait, there is no business to say.

In the end, Xia Jinyuan entered the room of Ye Jian and successfully lay down on a bed with one arm on her shoulder and talked about the task of fighting with J5.

“Your combat style is quite fierce, and the momentum is fierce, so that the comrades feel at ease, but also have some concerns. They are worried that you will suddenly advance the next battle plan, and worry that you can’t keep up with your rhythm.”

“I have discussed with J5 for a while and agreed that it is not your responsibility. The main reason lies with us. Also, you have not conducted daily training with the team. Although there is experience in combat, there is still a lack of tacit understanding.”

Ye Jian listened very seriously, and at the same time, he also reviewed whether he was too much… he was anxious.

Sometimes she really wants to complete the next battle plan as soon as possible. But when she has such a thought, she will think of what he said. “Collective combat is teamwork, not individual action. Remember not to make personal mistakes and affect the entire war situation.” As long as he thought of what he had said, he endured it.

I did not expect J5 to still see it.

Grinning, seriously: “I will change these bad things.”

(End of this chapter)

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