Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2403 - Self-killing (six)

Chapter 2403 is killing each other (six)

Her little cleverness, the little trick can deceive Mrs. Li for a while, but she can’t fool the world.

Thinking of this, Sun Ying, who was shaking in the heart, was afraid that the whole body would be erected.

Suddenly, there was a cold and chilly voice from Mrs. Li. “Sun Ying, I have lived for more than sixty years. You are the first person who dares to come across my head. I admire you for your courage.”

“I want your mother to save you from going out? If you are there, you are delusional. If you have the courage to lie to me, you have to have the courage to bear the consequences of cheating me. What are you doing for a few days?”

“I want your dad to save you? He can’t save you. It has already been taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission. It happened. After the official position, he will be closed longer than you. And your father is in trouble because of you. And up.”

“Now, your parents are now difficult to protect themselves, both will be shut down, you said, who else will save you?”

To deal with a person who is only a little clever, Mrs. Li does not need to spend much effort. After a few words, she broke all the hopes that Sun Ying wanted to leave, so that Sun Ying felt desperate.

Hearing that Ye Zhifan was taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission, Sun Ying, who was squatting, felt that his eyes were black.

Dad was taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission?

How could this be?

She has not gone out yet, how can Dad be taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission?

Who will come to save her? Who else will come to save her?

Sun Ying’s body was pulled out uncontrollably.

Fear, panic, despair… There was a lot of white brains, and she put her nails in her palms and bleed, and she didn’t feel the pain.

Li Chuhai smacked his mouth very lightly. Despair is a wonderful taste. He likes to make others feel desperate.

When people are desperate and see a glimmer of light, it is even more wonderful.

Feeling the horror of Sun Ying, Mrs. Li’s cold eyes finally had a faint smile.

now it’s right! Putting her face like that, let her become a joke in the upper class of the whole capital, and want to wait for someone to save?

Really think!

Now the General Staff is eyeing the old Du, there is a certain movement in the General Assembly Hall, she really needs to converge a little, then let the Ye Family family kill each other!

So, see if you can eliminate the hatred of her heart!

Mrs. Li’s embarrassment is not a general embarrassment, her embarrassment will make the other party afraid to burn the traces in the depths of the soul.

Will slowly play people, pull out from the desperate, and then push back into desperation, and finally drive themselves crazy.

Sun Ying’s fear at this moment only changed to a fleeting smile in Mrs. Li’s eyes.

So scared?

How bold was it at first?

No, not right.

Just as daring is still quite big, with the little face that makes me misread, and continue to install meekly, oh, she is trying to deceive herself again.

Sun Ying, Sun Ying, you still lie to Li Chenglan now.

Mrs. Lai, who had flashed her eyes in her eyes, stood up, like a smile, and said: “I also give you a clear road, think it out…”

She deliberately stopped and didn’t go on. She was afraid that the whole body was shaking. Sun Ying felt the light and suddenly looked up. The eyes that were tossed into gray were shining out, and the tears looked at Mrs. Li. “As long as you can Happy, what are you saying that Yingying is willing to do…”

As long as she can let her go out, she can let her… see Ye Jian under the **** and let her do anything!

“More about your dad’s things. This is your last chance.”

Mrs. Li said her request and saw the retreat in Sun Ying’s eyes.

May is coming to an end, and the hopeful June is coming, and the little goblins are expecting more explosions. The monthly ticket, the recommended ticket is more violent!

(End of this chapter)

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