Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2426 - Infantry deployment

Chapter 2426 Infantry Deployment

“Listen to her deployment first, this is Ye Jianshi, not someone else.” A junior technical support student said lowly, there is a sense of curiosity in the words, “I heard that she has so many things, today can Working together, you can watch it up close.”

Another student nodded and smiled: “Yes, there is nothing to lose. If they lose, they will be freshmen.”

If the junior year loses to the freshman, then it is called… shame.

“Now the blue side is the main attacking party, then we are the defending party…” Ye Jian asked the technical students to cast the electronic combat map to the projection screen. She took the baton and clicked on one of the points. “We are here, the terrain is low.” It is easy to attack and defend the land, so we now have to march as a whole to complete the maneuver.”

“The direction of maneuvering starts from here… Here, although it is the same as the mountains, the trees are sunny, the leaves are dense, the bushes are thick, and this area is enough to ensure the larger marches. This is the marching route of the home team. After this time, we follow The standard marching column is carried out, and at the same time, the distance between the various battalions is opened.”

“And here…” Ye Jian has drawn another marching line. “Here, it is the route of our sharp knife camp. It is responsible for the march of the large forces and the timely discovery of the enemy.”

“Looking at this side, the main force of the blue side of the main attacker, we need to send a battalion of assault troops, equivalent to the death squad, must absorb the strength of at least three battalions of the blue side.”

When Ye Jian finished, someone said: “I have doubts.”

“Excuse me.” Ye Jian turned and smiled at the freshman who asked the question.

“A battalion of the battalion attracts the strength of the three battalions of the Blue Party. It must also let the Blue Party be fooled. Otherwise, this so-called squad is completely ineffective.”

The student pointed out sharply the key points of the problem.

The smile in Ye Jian’s eyes is a bit deep. “Yes, so I have to let the blue side believe first, and how to let the blue side believe, we have to rely on the skills of our technical students.”

“Our shortcomings are too many, and Blue can suppress us everywhere. Therefore, we need to take the lead in occupying a favorable geographical position. Here, we also need the support of technical students.”

“The infantry only needs to follow the march of my deployment and bite the blue marching maneuver. The bite of the red and blue marches is flat.”

Ye Jian’s words made the students in the military account a bit embarrassed, but they also believed in Ye Jian, so they were embarrassed, but they did not doubt the credibility of Ye Jian’s words.

She is the chief commander of the Red Party and is the decision-maker of the whole exercise. The following people can ask questions and puzzle, but they must not trust, or they will be guilty of battlefield taboos!

This time, Ye Jian did not explain too much, she needs to hurry up and carefully deploy it.

This is the deployment of infantry, and then she needs more important deployment… for the deployment of information-based operations!

The red side is against the enemy, although the possibility of winning is not great, but she will try to win, even if she loses, she will lose beautifully!

“This is the infantry deployment. For the final rules of the exercise, I need to keep a battalion force for emergency use.” The exercise task is to add tasks at any time… The water inside is too deep, she needs a force that is ready to move. Cheng, a battalion has not many troops, but it is also quite a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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