Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2476 - Will not make her better

Chapter 2476 will not make her better.

Sitting in the office, Li Chuhai got up, and the venetian blinds that opened the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked the evening scenery of the city. The sun had gradually sagged to the west, pulling out the glory of the evening glow, and the flamboyant and woven, and in full swing.

“That’s not there, I am calm and accept.” Li Chuhai looked at the beautiful scenery of the sky, and slightly smacked his mouth and sighed: “Sister, Sun Ying and Ye Jian have a grudge. Sun Ying has reported it in order to come out.” Ye Zhifan. Ye Zhifan and Sun Ying broke off the relationship between father and daughter, in order not to be dragged down by her daughter.”

“Now he is reported by Sun Ying, Ye Zhifan, who is eager for power, will be willing to do so? You also know that the enemy of the enemy is your own friend. Sister, tomorrow is mainly between Sun Ying and Ye Jian, you want to protect Sun Ying Come out, in case Ye Jian does not agree? Don’t give you a face?”

Mrs. Li listened and laughed. “In the early days, you haven’t returned to China for more than ten years. Some things in the country are probably not clear to you. Rest assured, since I dare to promise Sun Ying, I have the ability to let her out. And I will also decide that Ye Jian will nod, because this is a smart girl, she knows how to give up.”

“The things that Sun Ying committed are nothing but small things. What college entrance examinations have fallen, she has paid for it. There are no ways to participate in the college entrance examination in a few years. Like what to buy murder, accomplices… This is not a problem. I am It has been investigated clearly that the so-called murder and accomplice is what she used to be a high school classmate named Yao Jing, and Sun Ying did not participate.

“As for other things, there is no substantial harm, but it has caused some damage to Ye Jian’s reputation. Deliberately fabricating and spreading fictional facts, this is a crime of forgiveness. Eliminating influence, restoring reputation, apologizing… These are all for Sun Ying. It’s a trivial matter, and I can’t judge Sun Ying’s punishment. As for entering the military, the military’s punishment regulations have already come down, and fines and detentions have been completed. That’s not much.”

Mrs. Lai, who is in a good mood today, explained clearly that she did not want to talk about these things. She was very happy with her younger brother: “Mrs. Qin is coming today, I have to be a good person to entertain today.”

“Congratulations, this is a good thing.” Li Chuhai’s face was a little deeper, and Du Jiagenji was still a bit shallow. If he could be a family with the Qin family, it would be a good thing. This is a good thing for Du and Li.

Mrs. Li saw that it was not early, and she did not want to say more. She said, “Sun Ying will not have any problems.”

Li Chuhai, who was far away from the scenery, put his mobile phone back in his pocket, his hands clasped his chest, and his face smiled and stood still. As the sun faded, his eyes seemed to have a faint shadow.

I haven’t been walking around the country for a long time, and I really don’t understand it.

Some people, some things, are a little out of control, and they have to find an opportunity to sort out and sort out.

Those who are disobedient, those who are useless, and those who smashed the sesame seeds have to be cleaned up.

Standing in Jinwuxi Shen, the darkness of the night was pulled out by the sky. Li Chuhai, who was like a sculpture, finally moved. He took out his mobile phone and turned out a phone call. “Give me a plan, I want to see someone.” “”

On the other side of Ye Jian, he said something similar to President Chen. “Many things in this case can’t make a substantial crime, so even if I hire a lawyer now, it is useless. Plus, behind her. There is a Mrs. Li, there is no need for me to ask a lawyer here.”

(End of this chapter)

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