Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2488 - Sun Ying is going crazy

Chapter 2488 Sun Ying is going crazy

Sun Dongqing, who was in a mess in her heart, sat uncomfortably. She urgently needed to find a vent. She once again dropped her resentful eyes to Ye Jian. Only such fierceness would make her feel a little more comfortable and willing.

Sun Dongqing, who is in her heart, sees the young face again, and her heart is extremely unstable… Her daughter will be crazy, and she will be crazy.

The tears that were finally recovered were flowed down again, and the eyes of Ye Jian were even more fierce and more embarrassing.

Her eyes glimpsed toward Ye Jian, and Hou Han, who was sitting together, naturally felt it. He sent a text message to Xia Yiwei who was staying at the hotel, and the head of the leaf was simplistic: “There is no change in death, one day remains. One day is a problem. It should be done after all.”

There are a few Hou Hou in the prison, and it is okay to deal with Sun Dongqing.

Ye Jian listened to what he meant, shook his head and whispered: “Let my brother worry, she doesn’t need us to deal with it, and some people will clean it up.” Grumpy people are usually more likely to offend people, and Sun Dongqing is not only bad-tempered, I always think that I am superior, and when I am sentenced to prison, I am in prison.

The most indispensable part of the prison is the tempered prisoner.

Hou Hao smiled lightly, no longer mentioning more.

I suggested that he gave it, and Ye Jian couldn’t listen to that it was her business.

A girl who has a vision does not usually feel embarrassed.

But she is right, like Mrs. Ye’s wife… with her temper, and the sense of loss that suddenly fell from the clouds, the middle process is very torturous, the temper is not good, there will be no way to accept identity for a while. The reality, the prisoner next to it is a little bit harsh, oh, afraid that it is going to be a big deal.

Therefore, a girl who has a vision does not usually feel embarrassed and will not let herself suffer.

As for Secretary Ye, the thing that Wei said was turned out to be quite serious. He participated in the murder of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs… This is not a general sin, plus he has done a few pieces of land for Sun Yaozu, and it is enough for him. I will live here again in my life.

Two minutes later, the clerk in the court was coming out. He finished the rules of the court and stood up in the court and sat with the judge.

Hou Han also stood up together, his eyes fell to the solemn national emblem in the middle of the hanging court. He raised his hand and licked his mouth and coughed.

Suddenly remembered, he was the first to return to the court on the mixed road. He also listened as an audience and saw the solemn national emblem. The mood was a little subtle.

After the trial judge entered the seat, the audience was solemn.

The trial time has arrived, and the presiding judge informed the police to bring Sun Ying to the court.

The leaf is easy to see the heavy wooden door on one side, and Sun Ying, wearing a woman’s prison uniform, walks in handcuffs.

A few months of jail life made Sun Ying thin like a paper man, as light as the wind could blow her away.

But her eyes are bright and sultry, big and bright, and the light inside is not like the bright sunshine, but full of haze, as if to destroy what is crazy with things.

Sun Ying, who came out first, used the line of sight to find Ye Jian. It was mostly two or two. When she had not fully walked out, she saw a leaf of the military uniform in the audience.

She is in prison, and Ye Jian… The person she hates the most, the person who wants to step on the bottom of her feet, is wearing a military uniform and sitting in the audience watching herself.

She is a prisoner, she is a soldier…

One in the sky, one in the earth…

(End of this chapter)

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