Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2496 - Sun Ying, optimistic

Chapter 2496 Sun Ying, optimistic

When I re-opened the court, I was completely quiet. Mrs. Li gave Ye Jian’s lawyer once again expressing that they had no opinion on the trial, and that the apology and reputation damage costs 50,000.

Ye Zhifan couldn’t help but close his eyes. He didn’t want to listen anymore.

I smashed my own cards and ended up… in exchange for Ye Jian’s deception.

She has no way to pull Sun Ying down.


There is a way for Mr. Li to come forward, Ye Jian, a military school student? She did not let the people behind her come forward, she certainly has no way.

Sun Ying, who finally waited until the final result of the trial, laughed. This time, she put a lot of cleverness, no longer looking up but laughing.

I laughed too proudly, laughing and screaming at my shoulders, and I looked like I was crying.

When the fence opened, the bailiff untied the handcuffs on her hand and said “Congratulations”, and then took Sun Ying down the trial stage.

Sun Yingdeng, who has no handcuffs on hand, feels free to be a free body. She does not feel that she is embarrassed. Her chin lifts step by step and walks to Ye Ming’s audience. Her eyes are fixed on Ye Jian, and her eyes are full. Fighting spirits.

She would like to tell Ye Jian loudly, telling her that everything is in vain, she will not defeat her Sun Ying!

I really want to laugh loudly, jokes Ye Jian’s empty calculations, jokes, she is a military school student, and she has to bow to the power behind Mrs. Li.

Hahaha, Ye Jian, Ye Jian!

Look, look! You have a good look!

Want to count my Sun Ying? I am Sun Ying, can you count success?


You are just dreaming!

Although Sun Yingqiang endured the inner pride, the inner laughter can still be seen from her demeanor, and the accompanying Chen principal could not help but frown.

Sun Ying did not realize that she was wrong. She was still proud and still used her eyes to provoke herself.

Ye Jian gently took down the hand of President Chen. “Nothing, Chen Shu, she doesn’t have much triumph. Really, you believe me.”


President Chen said with a low voice, the line of sight is full of enthusiasm, this is a sniper’s gaze to the target, with a scalp, nowhere to escape.

Sun Ying came over and was swept away by such a sight. The huge fluster suddenly struck, and made her knees softer to the feet.

Approaching, Sun Ying bent deeply, and she was stunned by Chen’s gaze. “I’m sorry, Ye Jian, I’m wrong. I apologize to you for my previous business.”

“All my vanity is too strong, my character is too strong, I can’t stand you better than me, than I can, so I went out to make rumors again and again, hurting you again and again. Sorry, Ye Jian, I really Wrong, please forgive me.”

She even bowed her head when she spoke, and did not dare to look up.

President Chen’s sight made her full of fear.

“You know it. Now everyone knows that everything is behind you. I can finally wash my grievances.” Ye Jian accompanied her to act, but what she said would certainly not be very desirable. “Now all Everyone knows what kind of person you are. If you want to say something bad about me in the future, no one will believe it anymore.”

“So I am relieved. After all, I am still a student. Once there is any damage in the reputation, the real thing is. If it is not true, the people who spread the rumors will have to be sanctioned by law.”

(End of this chapter)

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