Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2603 - Your daughter-in-law, it’s hard to chase

Chapter 2603, your daughter-in-law, hard to chase

The only thing that can be said is that Xia Jinyuan, who got the answer, looked at the eye leaf briefly and saw her quietly clenched fist slowly loosen. The thin lips of Xiazhong School lightly slammed a little.

This sentence is what he asked her.

“You are now skeptical about the tricks behind the hotel, right?” After listening to the reports of the seven special forces, the commander-in-chief of Xia looked at the seven people with a gaze. Seeing that they were all slightly nodding, he indulged for a moment and said: “Good. The matter was handed over to the military, and we came to investigate it.”

Again: “You are very good at handling, and you are not good at making claims. If there is any problem behind you, you may be surprised by the investigation at the time. We will investigate this matter, you don’t have to think more. It is not early. Seven of you have worked hard, go back to rest early.”

There are some things that can be all that have a result, and some people may not be a radish once they are touched!

The bends in the inside are like crosses of the roots of the tree. It is necessary to separate the roots, and then the roots of the towering trees can be uprooted so that it will no longer have the opportunity to pull the leaves.

It was already four o’clock in the morning, and the sky in Jingli had a light light.

Xia Jinyuan did not go into it. He could only watch his girlfriend hear the old man at his house and say, “Xiaoye, your father came to the military at 11 o’clock in the evening to come to you, because it is not convenient to arrange for you to meet with your dad. He told me that he would always wait for you outside the military. There is a car with a license plate starting from Beijing 6 outside the military. You look for it, it is your father’s car.”

The girlfriend’s father came to pick it up, he wanted to go… It was impossible to pick up the girlfriend and return to the compound.

“Okay, people are far away. If you look at it again, you won’t let Xiaoye turn back.” There was no one in the office. The commander-in-chief of Xia was very free to talk, and began to tune up his son. “The future father-in-law is back, you. , you, hurry and think about how to please the future father-in-law!”

“Fu Gong suddenly likes to descend from the sky. A living, watery daughter appears in front of him, and he is still a biological one. Ha, old sixth, old sixth, how do I feel that your future days will be a little difficult? I also feel that you are very It may not be so early to bring my future daughter-in-law back to Xiajia.”

“You said that if Fu Gong is not satisfied with you? What do you do? He even immediately introduced Xiaoye to the young heroes in their base, the sixth and the sixth, you are really miserable, and the daughters who have been defending for a few years are very May be unstoppable.”

Say, after the end, the face of Commander-in-Chief of Summer has changed. “If you dare to chase the good wife of Xiaoye, you will be ready to play bachelor for a lifetime. I only recognize Xiaoye, a daughter-in-law, except She, I don’t know anyone.”

I don’t know if he has any idea of ​​how to make a good effort. This kid is sometimes too confident. He has a slap in the face, “There is nothing that he can’t fix.” He has to be eager to excite him. At that time, even my own daughter-in-law couldn’t keep it, that’s really… the door is unfortunate.

In the past, Xia and Jinyuan will definitely go back, but this time it is unusually unusual. I sit silently in the meeting chair, and I don’t speak at all.

If he doesn’t talk, he can make the chief commander of the summer “squeaky”. Is it difficult for the boy in the family to give Fu Gong a bad impression abroad?

(End of this chapter)

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