Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2632 - Single-phase thinking is too bitter

Chapter 2632 is too bitter for single-phase thinking

The daughter talked softly to him, and his face looked faintly in front of him. Fu dad’s twilight changed and changed… No, his family would not be… secretly love her captain!

With such a thought passing, Fu Da’s heart rushed into his heart.

At home, he also said that his daughter is young and young. Finding a boyfriend too early to marry is the wife of someone else’s family. How do you know… What did he say?

The daughter is clearly a secret crush on her captain’s expression.

“At the time of Xiaoye High School, our military department paid attention to her. The young age is very calm and strong, and it is a good seedling. Fu Gong, you have a good daughter.”

Commander-in-chief Xia picked up some topics that would allow Fu Da to listen, and would not involve military secrets. He saw that the smile on Fu’s face had been deep, and the smile of Xia’s commander was deeper.

I don’t know how to be a good boy!

This is the master!

Fu Da’s mind is a bit uncertain. My daughter’s secret crush on her captain is not a trivial matter. This is a big event for Fu’s family!

If you don’t, he has to understand and understand.

Single love is too bitter!

When he was single-minded and his wife died, it was a sweet toss. Every day I thought about seeing her. When I saw her eyes full of eyes, she couldn’t express her heart, and she was a few cats scratching and rolling at night. One feels sleepless.

The son of Commander-in-Chief of Summer seems to have twenty-five or six. It is impossible to have no girlfriend. He has to ask questions.

How to ask?

Fu Da’s heart was thinking, and Commander-in-Chief Xia had already sighed: “The leaflet is a good soldier and a good girl. In the future, whoever married the daughter of Fu Gong, it’s a great blessing.”

“Xiao Xia is also good, young and promising. I am sure that your relatives are also very satisfied.” This is already inquiring. Fu Da is also a soldier. Although he is not a soldier of the first-line combat troops, he is also very vigorous and has problems. Can be resolved on the spot, on the spot, never dragged to the next day.

Commander-in-chief of Xia was just a joke, giving Fu Gong a hint, knowing that the future family had already asked him directly, which would make the commander-in-chief happy.

In this way, his own **** boy is still in the eyes of his future family.

“I still have a family… Let Fu Gong laugh, my son… Hey, a heart is thrown into the team, you can’t go home all year round, don’t say your family, you are 26 years old, and you are in love.” Didn’t talk about it.”

At this time, when the commander-in-chief of Xia should not be vague, it is absolutely unambiguous, and some of them praised Xia Jinyuan once.

It turned out that there was no girlfriend, and it was a little better.

Fu Da actually wants to ask “Whether there is a girl who likes it”, and thinks that his relationship with Commander-in-Chief is only a few times to meet, and suddenly he asks some abruptness and endures.

He also listened to Commander-in-Chief of Xia: “Xiaoye is 21 years old this year according to our old calendar. When I graduated from school, I can almost find a good girl for Fu Gong in a year or two.

“Now this group of young people can not count according to the old calendar, hahaha, men can count according to the old calendar, girls still come according to the actual.”

“My family is only 19 years old this year. When I am full, I am only 20 years old. I have just graduated from college and just turned twenty-four. I am not in a hurry to find a son-in-law within a year or two. I am honed and can’t live up to the cultivation of the country.”

(End of this chapter)

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