Chapter 2656

Suddenly, when she asked, Ye Jian’s look was a little stiff, but her psychological quality passed away. In a blink of an eye, she would cover up the situation and smiled. “The family that used to adopt me was the pension that my mother left for me. This family is now also No, so, Dad, you don’t have to thank you.”

She didn’t want to tell Fu Da before the age of fourteen, if she could squat… she wanted to keep hiding.

In fact, it is a bit unrealistic. These things can be detected by Fu Da, and she needs to mention it, but… Ye Jian looked up at the high mountain, where her mother was buried, Qing Bai is straight, like a guardian… At least waiting to see my mother, wait for my father’s emotions to calm down and mention it.

One after another, there must always be a buffer, and it can all shake out all of a sudden.

Although her disguise is quick, Fu Da still sees a clue, so that the heart of Fu Da will be hurt.

His daughter is avoiding those past events, must be too hard and too bitter, do not want to say it to make him sad, like her mother’s thing is this, for fear of his father’s sadness, so carefully hidden.

Deep in the heart, consciously owe the leaf Jane too much, Fu Da’s chest is pressed like a boulder, so that he can’t breathe. The daughter is too sensible, and she is sensible to let her take care of him as a dad…

Fu Da, who was short-lived in his heart, pressed his tumbling emotions and took a deep breath. He cooperated with Ye Jian to pretend that everything was not as gentle and laughed: “It is a pity, go back, if there is a chance, Dad will thank you again.”

At this time, Fu Da did not think that the family who adopted Ye Jian had tortured his daughter, and he almost died several times.

I don’t know if this family is still the murderer who promoted his wife’s sacrifice, let him be separated from his favorite person.

In front of it is the tombstone of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. Because it was only after Qingming, there was a wreath that had faded in front of the tomb. This is a ceremony in which the troops of the Southern Province organize a tribute to the martyrs to commemorate the martyrs and not forget the martyrs. Every grave of the martyrs has Wreaths and flowers.

Ye Jian pointed to the direction of the tombstone of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs, gently to Fu Dadao: “Dad, the front is left, the second row is the second… Mom is buried there.”

After she finished, Fu Da’s eyes had already passed.

In the early morning, there was a thin morning mist on the hills of the Martyrs Cemetery. The sun fell softly through the mist, and the red five-pointed star in front of the row of tombstones was especially shining. Fu Da’s eyes crossed the mist. Go to the place where the dead wife rested.

“Red plum…”

He whispered a lightly, and Ye simply saw his steps and walked forward. After a few steps, he had not seen his mother. Her father had broken the soul.

The greatest sorrow is the death of the heart, no matter how all the tears are blocked in the heart, how can the flow not flow.

The heart is dead, how can there be tears?

People have gone with them, how can there be tears?

After more than 20 years, Fu Yusheng finally saw the only woman in his life, the only wife he loved in his life.

The figure seemed to fall for several times, and Ye Jian, who was holding the carnation in her hand, chased it up and supported Fu Da’s arm with one hand. “Dad… You slow down, don’t fall.”

The nasal sound is heavy and obviously has a cry.

“Hey, don’t help Dad, Dad walks over to see your mother.” This time, Fu Da has firmly pulled back his hand. He wants to go to see his wife. Even if he falls, he will climb. Go see your wife.

(End of this chapter)

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