Chapter 2685 Our Captain

Ye Jian knows that Commander Xia and Fu Da have used dinner together for half a month.

At that time, Fu Da had already returned to the base, and at the same time received a letter sent by Ye Jian a long time ago.

Although the two fathers and daughters have already recognized each other, Fu Datou’s letter to collect her daughter is still very excited, and she immediately returned the letter.

“… Although the commander-in-chief of Xia was in the right place, but he was modest, and even more ancient, the meal was not moved for three hours, and the whole process was very happy.”

“Zi Xiaofu, from which you can see how good the character of my team is, it must be equally modest and polite, and treat people very seriously. I have this captain and my son is fortunate.”

“Well, my captain also helped me a long time. Among them, I can see the character of the father, but also the general style of the summer father. It is really good for the father to observe.”

“My child needs to be humbly ask for advice, not to make a second, but not to be outstanding because of his own ability, but also to be arrogant. Need to know, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside, people are modest and cautious, do not care about the atmosphere, the road can go more and more far.”

“Your mother has a comprehensive understanding of the father, and I know that I need to be cautious in my life. Everything needs to be planned step by step, and I can’t do anything.”

“The Military Commission has already known that my son has a relationship with me. The Military Commission has promised to the father that he will do his best to end the matter. However, after the case has been reviewed by the father, the heart of the case has been shocked.”

“Although the black hand behind the scenes does not know who it is, the list of personnel listed by the Central Military Commission is shocking. The past 20 years have caused a sensation in the old case. Fortunately, China has been in the process of reform and opening up for more than 20 years. None of the news media dare to report, and there is no Internet. The scope of the case is wide, but in the end it is secretly handled.”

“In the past twenty years, the old case was not completely exhausted. There is a tail. Now it has become a climate. The military thinks that the father knows it. In front of the private feelings and national conditions, my son, my father, your mother and you, to Today, the father still chose the national conditions.”

“I don’t ask you for forgiveness, but forgive me.”

Ye Jane sat quietly in the library and read the reply written by Fu Da. The letter mentioned that he had received the letter she had sent for the first time and said that she was very happy. I hope that the father and the daughter can communicate frequently.

When I got to the following, I mentioned what happened after Fu Da returned to Beijing and who I met.

I saw that Fu Da and the Commander-in-Chief used a dinner together. Although the official position and age were 12 years old, they did not affect the conversation between the two. From the ancient theory to the present, from the classics, and then interspersed with a few elegant jokes, three The hour of dinner time has not been known.

Ye Jian saw here and faintly understood the intention of Commander Xia.

When I saw a string of words such as “My Captain”, Ye Jian only felt that his face was burning a bit.

It seems that the commander of the summer commander not only did not drag the summer team’s hind legs, but also must have said a bunch of good words in the summer team, this has Fu Da’s “children”.

Although the general commander in summer always has to hurt the summer team in front of her, but when it is crucial, there is no more qualified father than the commander of the summer.

In front and in the middle of the leaf, Jane saw a smile in her eyes.

But when I saw the back, the smile in my eyes gradually converges, and even my expression was a little cold.

In the face of personal feelings and national conditions, Fu Da, who is a soldier, chose “national conditions”. Then, the people in the archives that the military commission gave to Fu Da… the influence of the influence was large enough. Otherwise, it would not be written as “the father is also big.” shock”.

(End of this chapter)

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