Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3519 - The longest torment

Chapter 3519, the longest torment

The reason why the military confirmed that Li Chuhai would definitely board the ship was because he seized a major suspect at the toll booth.

Assistant Zhu from the southern province to Jingli, and then from Jingli to Tianjin, and now he returned to Tianjin, never thought that he would be controlled on the road, but did not expect the military to leave South Korea from Mrs. The old employees who left the company have been investigating.

At the moment of being controlled, Zhu’s unchanging face changed, and all the expressions in his eyes faded in an instant, just like a color turned into a dark yellow old photo, and there was no more vivid color.

His boss once told him that you should not underestimate the military of our country. The resources owned by the military are far more horrible than you think. If you don’t touch the deep level, you will never know the military’s power.

Looking at the soldiers standing in front of him, Assistant Zhu knew that everything had been in vain. If he had not experienced it personally, he would never know that the soldiers sent by the military were so powerful.

Just as he drove into the entrance of the raid and reached for the pass, the soldiers who pretended to charge the staff were lightning-like, and the five fingers were stunned by the iron claws, and he was actually taken between the electric Flint flowers. Most of the body was thrown out of the window, what happened next, and now he recalled and found that his memory during that time was blank.

I can’t think of how I finally got pulled down from the car, and how I fainted, I don’t know what happened within a few seconds.

When he woke up, he was no longer at the toll booth, and he was not in the car. He was in an empty room with white walls on all sides, facing two soldiers who were armed with guns. Nothing else.

He… was arrested.

So what about the boss who has already gone to sea?

What time is it now?

Has the ship sailed into the open sea?

Has the military sent troops to pursue?

What is the situation of the boss?

Zhu assistant, who has a pain in the back of the neck, is thinking anxiously. He wants to know the situation outside and wants to know if his boss is getting out of the way. He wants to know if the military is holding all their tracks firmly… he wants know.

Unfortunately, no one will tell him.

Zhu’s assistant, who knew that he had no way to escape, started the longest suffering in the square and white room.

The departing freighter has already entered the night, and the captain has been driving towards the high seas according to the guided route. The workers on board have stopped working at the bottom of the cabin and started to rest. The deck of the container was blown by the cold sea breeze for an hour. The rear corners are covered with ice rims with sea water.

Ye Jane is already with her comrades, and she has her temporary manuscript in her hand. She hides her fingers in the container quilt and slowly strokes it from the manuscript. He whispers: “The ship is guarded here, eight people, There are guns on the body. If we solve them first, it is very likely that they will be shocked by Li Chuhai and let him abandon the boarding.”

“So, I suggest that we hide one at each point. As long as Li Chuhai landed on the shore, first blast him, and then clean up the rest. Especially in this position, we keep one person, I am afraid that they will kill people. , rushed to the cabin to kill the crew.”

Pigeons They have a three-dimensional map of the entire cargo ship, but they don’t know which locations have the personnel arranged by Li Chuhai. Now that Ye Jian has said this, everyone has a bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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