Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3528 - Remember the red plum?

Chapter 3528 still remember red plum?

The military sent a female special forces out?

Is this a women’s special force?

When did the country actually set up a women’s special force?

Knowing that his hiding position was thoroughly discovered, Li Chuhai did not panic and laughed. He also said: “It turned out to be a female soldier. So, I am injured now, I can’t escape, but I don’t want to die, I Surrender, you come directly to tie me. How?”

If you say it in your mouth, it will signal the bodyguard to move closer.

He intends to confuse Ye Jian and lure Ye Jian so that his bodyguard can start with one step.

This method is a bit tender, but Ye Jian is sighing: “Now the entire freighter is ours. Do you think you can escape? It is best to let your hands go and save yourself from being sinned!”

Her answer made Li Chuhai’s eyes pass through the dark, silent for a few seconds, he sighed: “I know, so I surrendered, you come directly.”

“You are quite fluent, let the people around you throw the gun over!” His sigh of sighs made Ye Jian’s eyes smile deeply. It seems that Mr. Li regarded her as a fool. And let him treat himself as a fool. “Throw the gun over and let your people lift it out with your hands! Let’s be honest! Can you hear it?”

Li Chuhai was really naive when she was listening to the sound. The fierce eyes were stunned, and a long, helpless sigh overflowed from his mouth. “I have been beaten by your legs. Can I not be honest?”

Command your own bodyguard, ” throw the gun out, they are me, not you.”

The bodyguard seemed to hesitate, and Li Chuhai screamed. “Now throw the gun out, you can still go out alive! Fast!”

The gun was thrown to the ground, and then kicked out. Li Chuhai said: “Well, now we don’t have any weapons on it. You can rest assured. I let my people come out, don’t shoot. They are all mixed. Don’t be embarrassed about him.”

The rifle is gone, but the pistol is still there.

“Reassured, we have words and believes! Now I count one, two, three, let your people come out!” Ye Jian answered very seriously.

The bodyguard’s thumb hooked the trigger ring, and the small pistol was hidden behind the hand. Then he lifted his hands and slowly walked out of the darkness, but his body was not directly frontal, but slightly sideways.

At the moment he showed up, Ye Jian didn’t even shoot directly, and quickly shot a man’s chest.

The gunshot sounded, Li Chuhai’s face changed dramatically, and the speed of shooting was fast!

As the bodyguard leaned back, he knew that he had a female soldier’s plan, and he was deceived by a female soldier!

The 5.8 mm bullets were so frustrating that the bulleted bodyguards fell backwards, and Ye Jian rushed into Li Chuhai at lightning speed as the bodyguard fell backwards.


The continuous gunshot rang, and Li Chuhai, who could not move his feet, fired a shot, while the Jian Ye, who was physically strong, fired two shots.

A shot of a shot, a shot hit Li Chuhai with a gun on his right hand shoulder.

The shoulders were shot, and once again, Li Chuhai had no strength to hold the gun, and the pistol fell off his hand. The whole person leaned against the cold hull and looked at the figure coming.

He lost, this time, he really lost!

Ye Jian, who came out with the gun, ignored the other’s fierce eyes and pointed his rifle at the shoulder of Li Chuhai. His eyes were cold and sharp again.

She said, “Li Chuhai, remember the Sun Xueqing martyrs who were killed by you that year?”

December is coming, December of 2017 is coming, 2018 is coming soon… It’s another year, and it’s a new month of January. It’s a good code, and six million is married.

Also, I am straight on Qingyun… I am straight on the Qingyun, can’t remember correctly, can’t remember…

(End of this chapter)

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