Chapter 3587 Boyfriend?

Ye Jian, who stepped down and stepped off the car, didn’t see Li Xiaonian for the first time. He just felt that a gentle sight fell on his face, and he looked up subconsciously. Then, the students who got off the train later saw it. Ye Jian suddenly ran over to a young soldier who came over a stride.

I don’t have to look at what Ye Jian’s expression is at this moment. Just look at her back and she can feel her joy from the heart.

“Boyfriend…” A Luzhi student who got off the car whispered, “It’s really high, it’s all a meter.”

“What do you say, how could it be a boyfriend?” Another student shook his head and whispered: “It’s forbidden to fall in love, how could it be a boyfriend.”

Oh, that is… seeing her so happy, she couldn’t help but think about it.

Ye Jian has no boyfriend, and the same is also a brother of the National University of Science, but it is definitely clear at this time, denying that the sister Ye Jian has a boyfriend.

What kind of jokes, they are going out to race, and suddenly they ran over to a boyfriend. If they were seen by the leaders, they would be excused from punishment.

Soon, the trainees who got off the train heard the sound of Ye Jianman’s surprise. “How come you are here? When are you coming back?”


The three brothers of the National Science and Technology University were relieved. It turned out to be the brother of Ye Jian.

I haven’t seen each other for a long time. Li Yannian looked at Ye Jian carefully. Later, the old **** came here, “Less, lost a lot, and there is no meat in the chin.”


The elderly-style meeting and exchanges are full of kindness.

Ye Jian’s pair of scorpions like a star suddenly smiled. “No skinny, no skinny, it’s an illusion. Maybe the facial features are completely open and shaped. It’s like this. Brother, you haven’t answered my question yet. How are you here?”

“If you lose weight, you will lose weight and give me an excuse.” Under the sun, the young Lieutenant Colonel, who looks like a cast, looks at her sister, and is indifferent to the darkness like a ice pool. Wang Chunri’s spring water, in the sun, with ripples of light, he raised his hand, the slender fingers lightly licked the top of the 揉 简 , ,, thin lips and a very **** arc, “deliberately come over to see you, Not?”

Definitely, the point is: How do you know she will come here?

Ye Jianxiao said: “Cheng, of course, you have to show up again, I don’t know what you look like.”

The trainees who got off the train have approached. Because of the rank of Li Yinian, even the seven people of the same service class have to stand and salute him. When Li returned to the military ceremony, he said to them: “I am responsible for this. The general instructor of your overseas competition, Li Lannian, you can call me the instructor of Li, the students of the Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy are already waiting for you, you are advanced.”

The sound is very cold, but also reveals the sharpness. Especially when the sight comes, there is a sense of transparency that makes people look nowhere, and the faces of the seven people are not much tight.

It turned out to be their chief instructor, or a general instructor who went abroad.

“Yes, Li instructor!” Several people once again salute.

Ye Jian waited for them to salute, and once again said, “Brothers, this is my brother, it looks a little cold, in fact, people are very easy to get along with, you don’t be scared by his cold expression.”

The seven brothers returned to smile.

(End of this chapter)

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