Chapter 3592, Rich People

After the man finished and patted the shoulder of T6, he pointed to K7, which started to carry a box of boxes to his store. “You can’t do this. If he gets something that shouldn’t be touched, you should find a way to marry him. It’s right, not where to take him…”

“You have to know that he really will hurt you, will let you be stared by the police outside, they will catch him, and then let you pay a lot of money to redeem him, man, here, your kindness Should not be used, hahaha, you should throw your goodness out to feed the dog.”

“Because, he will be tired of you sooner or later.”

The exotic man with brown hair is seriously persuaded, but in his eyes, T6 and K7 are foreign men, and he is the owner of the bar.

T6 spit the smoke ring, his eyes filled with careless groaning, indifferent shrug, “He is my brother, brothers can not just casually abandoned, well, big BOSS, you can go back and continue to hold your big beautiful girl Sleeping, as for the chick you gave us two brothers last night, I can only say… that is your favorite dish.”

“WO, you don’t even like women who can make men suffocate, it’s incredible.” The man took the key hanging on his neck and handed it to T6. “Give it to you, give it to my partner directly after the move, bye bye. Good luck, poor guy.”

When the man walked, he took the T6 finger and sucked the cigarette with only a small half. He put it in his mouth and took a deep breath, spit out the smoke ring, and licked the unknown song in his mouth and walked away. .


Poor guy, he will soon be hurt by the guy who needs a syringe every day. The “vampire” on this street likes to find these guys who need a syringe.

And those police officers, they like to bully these guys who are not nationals at first glance.

The key in the T6 handle was thrown into the air, blowing a whistle and putting the key in the white-blue denim overalls.

And K7 has moved a few boxes of canned beer stacked in the door of the store, T6 can not help but look at the foreign countries or dumb, once thought it was a dumb K7, not to mention, his white to excessive color is really a bit like The guy who can’t do without the syringe.

So white, no wonder I can’t find a girlfriend!

Unlike him, hahaha, he is a girlfriend.

Unfortunately, such good news can’t be shared with his comrades for the time being, and it hurts to pull him to his chest.

The two men joined forces to carry the beer and cola in the car to the bar. When they finished moving, someone took a box of beer from the car and walked into the dark bar.

“You don’t need help, guys.” The familiar familiar voice of Mandarin came, so that the T6 and K7 who were behind the bar got up at the same time.

Lin Feng, who was holding the beer in his hand, went to the back of the bar. He lifted his hands and placed them directly on the bar. He smiled and said: “Go and go to a place.”

When I came here, I could see Lin Feng, and the T6 was very surprised.

Guoan people have a split-body, and, is it very rich? That country is a bar partner in this country.

Lin Feng himself did not expect to receive the task again or the brother who worked with Mogadishu.

The three-person partnership put the beer and cola together and got on the bus.

This time I changed to Lin Feng driving, and T6 asked, “Where?”

“Someone has been waiting there, he has the information you want to know.” Lin Feng slammed the steering wheel and reversed, and the throttle stepped out of the red light district.

(End of this chapter)

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