Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3828 - You are very unsightly

Chapter 3828, you are very unsightly

When she returned to Beijing, she flushed the photo and brought it to Xiao Wei. At that time, Xiao Xiao was asked to poke through the fake face of Ye Jian. At that time…

Du Jiayi wants to be more excited and laughs. At that time, it’s not only Ye Jian who is ugly, but also Xia Jinyuan, Li Lannian, and of course, Xia Jia!

Didn’t come to Nanguang, she even let her take such an interesting scene.

Waiting for you, Ye Jian, see how you stand still when you arrive, but also want to stay in the army after graduation, but also want to climb the high branch to change the phoenix, she Du Jiayi will let you endure the taste of crushing into the mud.

Let you know what kind of end will be offended for those who should not offend.

Du Jiayi, who opened the auditorium door, showed a more dignified smile. Every move, it was so natural and elegant. It was like the most beautiful flower in the flower, which folded the sight of countless people.

Du Jiayi enjoys the feeling of being watched. The more she is looked at, the more she will become more elegant, enjoy being watched and enjoy the sight.

Li Lannian accompanied Ye Jian to the outside of the auditorium and did not enter. He did not want to see Du Jiayi. He did not want Ye Jian to hear the harsh words that Du Jiayi had said, and he was saddened by the only sister he cares about.

Wen Yan, Ye Jian put away the action of preparing to push the door, and turned to look at Li Lannian who stood behind him. His eyes were dark and concise. “Big brother, silence will only make Du Jiayi such a person, and sometimes he needs Letting her know that silent people do not mean good bullying.”

Her words made Li Xiaonian’s chin stunned, but there was a gentle flow in her heart.

After a while, Li Lannian nodded lightly, “Hmm”, and the sound was dry with a hint of trembling.

When Du Jiayi wanted to see Ye Jian alone into the auditorium, there was a scorn in the eyes, and he was not afraid of being discovered by her. He was guilty and did not dare to let Li Lannian come in together.

I don’t know if her big cousin saw herself?

Du Jiayi, whose eyes flashed slightly, stopped taking pictures and handed the camera to a soldier of a cultural team. “You will take a few photos of the group first, and I will come over.”

“Oh, okay.” The soldier who was cold and unsettled in the camera quickly took hold and looked down. He was about to ask how to use it. Du Jiayi had already left quickly.

From the back door, Ye Jian, who came to the platform, swept away Du Jiayi, who was in a hurry, and there was a hint of coldness in his faint eyes.

She subconsciously turned and wanted to go out from the back door to stop Du Jiayi. After a few steps, she slowed down again. The eldest brother wanted to accompany her to the auditorium. As a result, Du Jiayi sent her to the door and said that it was inconvenient to go in and leave.

Big Brother is not inconvenient, but because there is Du Jiayi who has no basic courtesy to him. He is worried that Du Jiayi will say something ugly to him when he is worried that she will be sad after hearing it, so it is inconvenient to excuse me.

In the eyes, there was a cool-colored leaf, and she couldn’t help but bite her lower lip. Eventually, she retracted her foot and turned to the platform.

Since Big Brother doesn’t want her to see it, then she won’t go, lest the elder brother be embarrassed.

Outside, Du Jiayi caught up with Li Lanian who had left, and chased after the momentum, and then stopped to sneer. “Big cousin, where are you so anxious to go? It is not because I saw me, but also like a child. Don’t worry about me, just turn around and go away.”

“Cousin, you are really like that before, so our brothers and sisters at home don’t know how to get along with you.”

“It’s still the same as before, let us feel that you are very unsightly.”

There are five chapters to update at 12 o’clock in the morning…

(End of this chapter)

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