Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3911 - Do you want to say

Chapter 3911, do you want to say

Invisible, Xia Jinyuan, who was told that the Chinese female soldier was kidnapped, had a murder of Qin Xiansheng. Instead, he once again pleased Cobra. This is what Xia Jinyuan himself did not expect.

There is still a little thing to deal with in Qin Yansheng’s hand. He made an appointment at six o’clock to go to the village where the Chinese female soldier was. When he left, Cobra chatted with Xia Jinyuan.

“He calculated you, it is equivalent to calculating me. For a business partner who has not yet started cooperation, we do not need to give him too much kindness.”

“Luke has told you where we still need to go tonight. I admire his courage and dare to kidnap a soldier from a peaceful country. Now, I think all the initiative is in the hands of the Chinese side. Let’s just say, I told you before that I want to go to China to meet an old friend. Now, I changed my mind.”

“I intend to go to see the kidnapped Chinese female soldier with the daring Qinshen. I want to confirm if he really did it. If he did, how would China deal with it?”

“Pretend that I don’t know anything? Or do you secretly send troops directly to kill the imperial prosperous? If the Chinese choose the former, then I can continue to choose to go to China. If the Chinese choose the latter and directly kill the emperor, then all our previous plans are cancelled. And return home immediately.”

“Tonight, we will accompany him to see it. Tomorrow, we will leave this place where there is danger at any time. As for the Chinese side, we will have a chance to look at it next time.”

“I heard that there is a place in China called “Great Wall”. The scenery is very beautiful. Unfortunately, I planned to check it out before I came out. If China chooses to directly destroy Qinshen, then I can only give up this time. ”

Cobra is rare and Xia Jinyuan has a lot of exchanges at a time. Xia Jinyuan has nothing to do but he has to go to see if he really kidnapped the Chinese female soldier’s dawn, and all other words are indifferent.

As for the scenery he said he wants to see the “Great Wall”, “Great Wall” does not welcome you.

The mouth faintly replied: “Understand.”

The role played by Xia Jinjin in the past year has been silent. In the face of cobra’s trust, he seems to have not felt anything. He nodded very lightly and said that he understood that everything was arranged.

His silence in exchange for cobra patted him on the shoulders, and the smile on the thin face deepened.

Xia Jinyuan’s hands are very lightly smashed. He now very much hopes that the plan of the evening will not change, so that he can go together to see if it is a Chinese female soldier.

and also……

The time is now five o’clock, and there is still one hour away from the departure. He needs to inform him that he should have hidden the comrades around him.

V8 saw the gesture of Xia Jinjin from the telescope, handed the telescope to the comrades around him, and whispered: “Q Wang asked me to look for him in the past. You keep an eye on it. I will go back. By the way, we will take action plan here. Tell him.”

Xia Jinyuan was free to move, and he met very well with V8. Only he offered to meet and pointed out the meeting place. V8 could only meet him on this side.

“You are going to tell Q King… Is the Bluebird one of the kidnapped female soldiers?” The V8 who was about to leave was reminded by his comrades that the corner of his mouth could not help but tighten.

Damn, almost forgot this!

Does this **** want to say it?

V8 came back and contacted G3. “Do you want to say? Will it affect Q King?”

In the seventh day, there should be many goblins to work…

(End of this chapter)

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