Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3923 - Xia team, summer team

Chapter 3923 Summer Team Summer Team

Can’t wait any longer, wait until the next time, Qin Shen Sheng will do things that are not as good as animals. Since the goal she has been waiting for has already appeared, then it is time for her to complete the task.

Before Qin Yingsheng had no action, she had to act to prevent atrocities from happening.

Ye Jian, who is forced to look up, uses Yu Guangkai to smear the side of the black paint. In the mountains where the behemoth crouched, the Yunbao commando team members hiding in the dark, are you ready?

Xia team, I have a glimpse tonight, when will I see you again next time?

I still have a word to tell you in the future. Is there a chance to say “I miss you very much” tonight?

Have you heard the embarrassing voice now, are you more worried?

I must be very worried.

Both girlfriends and cousins ​​have been kidnapped and forced to kneel. You must be very worried, you must be very sad.

Xia Jinyuan, who was standing not far away, recovered his sight and slammed again. His heart has already fallen into the abyss.


He even heard the sound of embarrassing!

V8 said that the Jade Bird was completely voluntarily kidnapped to rescue two female soldiers. Is it because … was kidnapped with a beggar, and his little fox was willing to take risks?

Once, she smiled and said to him: “The summer team, your family is also within the scope of my protection. Oh, I will protect your family with you.”

She smiled like a flower, and he squeezed her delicate and cute nose, and said: “Your family will protect you with you.”

They all said to each other to protect each other’s family, and now his little fox is actually protecting his family!

Rao is Xia Jinyuan’s restraint, and his eyes are covered with thin water mist.

Cobra sees the people around him to come to himself. He has raised his hand and his head has not returned: “Luke, Xia, you two partners who reminded me in the past, it is not too late.”

Damn, he is very worried now that this guy will really shoot a Chinese female soldier!

Did not order the four bodyguards who were guarding him in the past, but directly told Luke and Xia Jinyuan to pass, showing that he trusted his bodyguards.

“Okay, sir.” Luke immediately rushed to the front and nodded, and took a picture of Xia Jinyuan’s shoulder. “For me, you pay attention to the surroundings.”

I thought that Xia Jinyuan, who had to work hard to go to Ye Jian, had to press his mouth tightly, so that his stiff neck was very shallow, and his long straight feet were taken, and Luke was squatting one after the other. Three Chinese female soldiers walked under the tree.

One step, two steps, three steps, eight meters… six meters… five meters… three meters… near, near, he can fully see her face, and he can see her mouth near There is a faint bloodshot condensate, near… He and she can smell the distance of each other’s breathing.

Ye Jian’s heart was so strong that she wanted to take a close look at him. She only thought about it in her heart. She didn’t want to see him at close range. She didn’t even want him to stand in front of him.

Because, I am still there.

She can restrain her excitement, then, what?

Can you restrain yourself?

If she suddenly yells “Six Brothers”, is the identity of the Xia team not exposed in an instant? Don’t you be in danger at once?

Don’t come over, Xia team, beg you, don’t come over.

It’s not easy to stick to it today. If you come over, there is really no way to guarantee that you will scream and scream for your own safety. For your own safety, the summer team, beg you… don’t come over.

Ask… you… no, don’t… come…

(End of this chapter)

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