Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3925 - The more you look, the more you love, the more you love, the more you look.

The 3925 chapter is more and more love, the more you love, the more you look

She took back her own gaze, lowered her head, and let the small face that had been scared all the time hidden in the darkness. She couldn’t read it any more.

Zhou Yizhen’s bow turned the leaves of Yan’s eyes into the eyes of the blind man and put them back in their place. Although the breathing was still rushing, the hands behind them were already loose.

Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, I didn’t scream out, but fortunately everything was too worried.

Once again, the line of sight fell carefully to the man she loved, because she leaned on Zhou Yizhen, and Ye Jian could look directly at the light and take a good look at the lover who had broken the news for a year.

It’s thin, it’s really a lot thinner, and the cheeks are all sunken. So, it’s getting more and more eyebrows, and it’s cold and cold.

Also blacked out.

In the past, he was not tanned, but he was also jokes and envied by his comrades. Every time he and K7 went to the queue, the skin color was more than the surrounding comrades, and the comrades who were dark-skinned were even more blacken.

The current summer team, but not as white as before, but the same very handsome, let her look at the heart and jump.

Every time she looks at it, she will love him more. The more she looks, the more she loves it. The more she loves it, the more she sees it… The body and mind are all sinking, and she is not willing to step out of his world.

Black, thin, but there is no change in spirit.

When I don’t know, it is like a sword from the ancient sword, with a fear of fear.

Just like now, he didn’t stand at the side of the Western man, and he didn’t dare to take him down if he didn’t say a word.

This is the man she loves so much, a never-before-speaking, never afraid to be afraid of her, and her husband who uses her flesh and blood to cover her for the wind and rain!

The leaves carefully looked at with the remaining light and satisfied with the sight. She, there is no other desire, even if I only look at him, even if I don’t say a word, just lie down and take a good look at him and feel him. Breathing, being able to get along so close to him, even if one sentence does not say she is satisfied.

The empty heart fell into the ear with his breath, and it was so clear and ethereal. When it fell into the heart, it filled the empty heart, letting the one disappeared because he left. And the heart like a hanging hydrogen balloon can finally be put back to the original place.

Heart, some fiercely beating, only because he is around.

The satisfied leaf Ye Jian took back the line of sight. Xia Jinyin looked at Luke, who had already been with the Qinshen station, and stepped forward in the footstep. The distance between him and Ye Jian was close to the distance that he could reach.

He deliberately did this, only to be able to make her more clear and take a good look at her, but also to make her more clear and take a good look at him.

When the distance is close, the eyes of the two meet more cautiously. The two people who do not look at each other hear each other breathing, and the heart is closer and quieter.

At this moment, Xia Jinyuan had a first year of relaxation, and the heart that was always tight and did not dare to relax was finally given a short silence. Her breath was a harbor that allowed him to relax.

Ye Jian was excited and deeply worried because he was close to him. Similarly, the comrades of the Snow Group also did.

In particular… I know the V8 of the relationship between the two, and he has already reached the eyes of the blind man at this moment. The step of his captain just made it almost pop up in the eyes of the blind man…

(End of this chapter)

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