Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3928 - You **** hold back

Chapter 3928, you have to hold back

Just before the laughter, Qin Yansheng suddenly pulled down his face. He already felt the rejection of himself on the cobra side, and refused it again and again. This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Stepping forward, his claws stretched out, he grabbed Liu Le’s hair, and Liu Le, who was shocked and painful, was scared to “Ah,” and was so scared that he was dragged out by his hair, and his eyes were full of murder. The scream of the female soldier, his laughter is even bigger.

“Come on, how can you bear with such a beautiful Chinese woman? Give it to you, hahaha, she is yours tonight!”

He shouted, and the translator quickly told Luke in English, in exchange for Luke’s deep eyes, and the cold light swept away.

Looking at the hands tied back, his feet were tied tightly, and the Chinese female soldier who was screaming in the mouth, Luke’s mouth smiled a lot.

The sound of Liu Lesheng, who could not stand up smoothly, stimulated the presence of Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan, and the members of the Snowy Brigade and Yunbao Commando who were seen from the telescope.

“Son of a bitch!!”

“Mom! I can’t help it!”

The members of the Cloud Leopard Commando screamed in the low voice of Meri, and the rifles in their hands were tighter. Now they want to shoot directly and shoot down the guy who bullied their Chinese female soldiers.

They all think, but they can only endure.

They can’t act without permission before seeing Ye Jian action!

“That’s forbearance, and then forbearance, it’s over… It’s over soon!” The team leader of the Cloud Leopard Commando grips the telescope in his hand. Because the grip is too tight, the cyan veins on the back of the hand are highlighted. come out.

Liu Le screamed and slammed the tied feet. She did not ask Ye Jian for help, because she knew that if she really asked Ye Jian for help, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

Ye Jian saw Liu Le, who was forced to be dragged up by her hair. She saw her facial features that were sore and twisted, and her eyes were cold in the eyes.

She can’t do it now, but now it will only hurt Yi and Liu Le.

“It hurts, it hurts… it hurts…”

Liu Le wants to protect her head with both hands, but she can’t do it with her hands, so she screams and is dragged by her appearance.

Zhou Yizhen directly swears in Chinese, “Wang Ba Gu, Beast! You **** let me go!”

She screamed and shouted. She wanted to ask for help from her sixth brother. She looked at the past several times and turned a corner back to the face of Qin Shengsheng.

Qin Fusheng will not speak of China, but he has long been active in the border between China and Myanmar. Chinese does not speak much, but more or less can understand.

He heard that Zhou Yizhen was yelling at her. He was stunned by cobra’s refusal. He turned Liu Leyi to the side and lifted his foot directly to the chest to lick his chest and insulted a “scorpion”. .

Zhou Yizhen was smashed by his foot, and then exchanged for the punching and ankles of several Burmese men and the cursing curse of the wow.

Xia Jinyuan’s forehead blue ribs must be violent.

V8, the gun in their hand is tightly held, Q King, you have to hold back! Always hold back!

Rely, they have to hold back!

Can’t be impulsive, never impulsive!

At the foot of Luke’s feet, he moved slightly, and violently took the steps. He scanned the Chinese female soldier who was stunned by the imperial appearance. Just now… Maybe he promised that the two Chinese female soldiers would not be beaten. .

It has been several days for female soldiers in their own country to be kidnapped. How can China’s side still have no action?

(End of this chapter)

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