Chapter 3943 Surprise

The questionable Ye Jianfei quickly put the wireless communication equipment on, just put the headset into the ear, gently “feeding” a test tone, and the familiar voice came from the headset.

Even if only low and low “feed”, Ye Jian also heard that this is the sound of V8.

In other words… another brother who performs the task is the comrades of the Snowy Brigade!

Did they come over to help the summer team?

It must be!

Otherwise, how could they be here!

Ye Jian’s eyes suddenly lit up, and V8 said in the headset: “The brothers of Yunbao, you escorted two female soldiers to leave, and the next thing is handed over to us. Just ordered, the group stayed seven. Support, the rest escorted the female soldiers back to China.”

The two female soldiers were rescued, so the assassination was handed over to them for treatment. Assassination, hey, the comrades of the Snowy Brigade are best at it.

The guy who dared to step on his face on Ye Jian, tonight, walked!

The members of the Cloud Leopard Commando received an order later than the Snowy Brigade. The team leader obeyed the order, leaving two scouts and five assaulters. The other staff waited until the two female soldiers came and left immediately.

Zhou Yizhen didn’t have any extra time and she said goodbye to Ye Jian. She only had time to hold the hand of Ye Jian. The voice was tight and whispered: “Six, I am waiting for you and the Six Brothers to come back!”

“Reassured, I will come back with your sixth brother.” Ye Jian nodded lightly, with a smile in his eyes: “We will see you in Beijing.”

Ye Jian will let himself go back alive, and after completing the combat mission as before, he will return to China safely and reunite with the students, friends, family and friends.

“Well!” I got a promised Zhou Yiying wiped the tears in my eyes and endured the pain of being screamed tonight. She turned and took Liu Le’s hand and two Yunbao commando players into the jungle. deep.

She left no way to help the Six Miles, leaving, but can make Liu Wei more peace of mind to do her things.

Liu Wei, I am waiting for you and my sixth brother to return safely in Jingli!

Liu Le, who left, looked back at Ye Jian who had not left with them. He was very worried and worried: “Why didn’t Ye Jian leave with us? We left her alone and left, in case she had something wrong? Those guys Will not let her go.”

“We have other brothers, you can rest assured. Go away, be careful!” The clouded leopard commando team responsible for the open-air warnings opened the branches that blocked the way to explain to Liu Le, so that she could rest assured.

When I heard someone else here, Liu Le was relieved a little.

Ye Jian has already talked with the V8 single machine. With the wireless communication Ye Jian, she knows that she has been re-adjusted after being kidnapped. She is stunned and walks behind a wooden house. She whispers: “I understand, I will fully cooperate with Q. s plan.”

V8 did not explain Xia Jinyuan’s plan in great detail. He only told her that after she had settled her appearance, she would be escorted to leave her. The chaos that was created at that time was not aimed at the imposing manner, but against the Western men around Xia Jinyuan. However, it is necessary for Western men to misunderstand all the chaos because of the abduction of the Chinese female soldiers.

The purpose of doing this is to enable their captains to gain the trust of Western men in order to return to the country as soon as possible.

Ye Jian hopes that her beloved man will return to China as soon as possible. Now let her go to Xia Jinyuan to complete the task. Ye Jian has no words.

For him, she is willing to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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