Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3956 - Too long and too far

Chapter 3956 is too long and too far

Luke, who had returned from a cigarette, stood in the darkness, and the gray-white eyes were slowly looking at Xia Jin-Jin.

Luke, who smoked a few cigarettes and finally calmed down, combed the following female soldiers who were beaten. How did he face and combed to the middle? He suddenly remembered that when he was out of order, Cobra suddenly turned his head and looked at it. One side, blocking the sight of Cobra.

What did you find in the summer, did you want to help yourself, or did you happen to block it?

Luke is not quite sure.

Xia Jinyuan looked at his own Luke and said: “What do you want to say to me? Sorry, I just want to have a good night’s sleep after I go back. I don’t want to go out drinking with you to find a woman.”

It should be a coincidence. He has no doubts about cobra for five years. What can he doubt in the summer?

“Don’t worry, you boring man, I have broken the thought of going out to drink with you to find a woman. You know, with a person who does nothing to go to the bar, how disappointing. The same thing I have After several times, I don’t think I can be stupid enough to commit another crime.”

Luke shrugged, and he put his woke on the side and thought it was just a coincidence.

If Xiazhen suspects something, his loyalty to Cobra will definitely tell Cobra that he is right, but he doesn’t, so it should be just a coincidence and he wants more.

Luke, who no longer thought about it, looked at the wooden house that hadn’t moved yet. He picked up the golden-brown eyebrows and worried: “I am 100% sure now, Mr. Cobra will cooperate with the frivolous guy, I feel There will be many disasters coming in the days to come.”

No, the frivolous guy will pay for what he has done tonight.

Xia Jinyuan said: “Mr. Cobra will not cooperate with him. I can gamble for two thousand knives.”

“No problem, you lost me two thousand knives!” Luke raised his eyebrows and insisted on his own guess.

Xia Jinyuan glanced at him and insisted on his own judgment. “And you lost, give me two thousand knives.”

He calmly accepted the words, but let Luke retreat. A miser who saved money for money suddenly became generous enough to take out two thousand knives as a bet. Luke felt that he might lose.

Therefore, I asked again: “Are you sure you will win?”

“What do you say?” Xia Jinyuan, who was a miser in the other’s heart, put away a faint smile on his face, facing the wooden house, reminding Luke, “It’s over.”

“End? Oh, God, it’s over! You said what they talked about, why talk about it for so long.” Luke, who also smiled, put his hands on his back and his chin lifted slightly, waiting for cobra to come out of the cabin. .

Xia Jinyuan looked at Luke again. This guy just tried to test himself. The more he tried, the more he made his guess.

The special forces in the Russian “signal flag” are good. The strength of the cooperation partner of more than one year has made him admire. But what is the purpose of his five-year lurking cobra?

Is it like yourself, in order to find the real power behind the cobra?

If this is the case, Luke has not found it for five years, then what about himself?

Do you still need five years?

No, five years is too long.

He gave himself up to two years, now it is a year, and he still has to finish it in a year.

Because he still has to go to the graduation ceremony of the little fox, he has to personally hand the real military uniform belonging to a soldier to her hand, this is their agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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