Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 3962 - Tooth for a tooth

Chapter 3962

“Killed… Chinese… Female… Bing, again… Killed… Into the village… Guy, one… Don’t… Want to live… Go back.”

The Burmese language has a lot of voices, and every time the tongue is so painful, but in order to let his bodyguard know what he said, he issued his own order with the slowest speed and the lightest voice.

The three bodyguards thought that they should return to the wooden house and get the medicine cabinets that were placed in the wooden house. Like them, they would prepare some medical supplies for trauma. The wooden houses that were used to rest in peacetime were also prepared. Just in case.

It needs to be used now.

But they have no way to return to the log house.

The three bodyguards quickly completed the division of labor, one employer responsible for protecting them personally, one responsible for firepower and one responsible for contacting the outside world.

In the village of 200 people, the snow squadron has solved the tens of times in the early stage, and the night is black and windy. It is a good time to act. The special forces who are good at night fighting, such as the ghostly shuttle village, put a huge tumor. Just a little bit clean.

Under the mountain, I rushed to the mountain to support all the machine guns. I rushed a few and poured a few, not giving a live mouth.

Z7 Han Yu has completely disturbed the signal of the entire village, so that even if there is a mobile phone in the hands of everyone, there is no way to ask for help from outside.

Contact the power station, did not agree, notify the clear whistle, the whistle did not respond, and then contact the dark whistle… still useless!

The whole village is occupied!

Responsible for contacting the foreign bodyguards outside is no longer a waste of time on the mobile phone, there is no way to contact the outside, then withdraw the firepower range first!

Staring at the imperious appearance, and seeing that he was dragged to the side by the bodyguard, the E6 quickly cleared from the first shooting point. In the night, he switched to the second shot under the cover of his comrade M, lifting the gun, aiming, shooting… …


The foreign bodyguard who treated the wounds for the Qin Dynasty had just explored the body, and the bullets passed through his brain, which was faster than Qin.

He poured the whole person directly onto the body of Shen Qin, and his hand was soaked in his hands and feet, and a strange noise leaked in his mouth. “Oh…ha…”

The bodyguard responsible for his own safety fell down and fell in front of him. The hateful Chinese armed police came over.

How dare they sneak into the territory of Myanmar, he wants to tell General Miner, he must tell General Miner!

The horrified and angry singer was still thinking about anger. Another foreign bodyguard was hit by M on the shoulder. He was cursed in the middle of the gun and immediately regained his back. He did not dare to move.

Another bodyguard who is responsible for the alert is mainly aimed at his employer. After several consecutive shots outside, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to hold the employer, shot a few shots in front of the dark, and rushed to the mountains.

He found that his bodyguards had escaped from the eyes of the eye-catching eyes, and he wanted to sneak out the fire to solve the deserter. However, he could not immediately push the bodyguards that had fallen on his legs and suffocated.

“Ah…ah…” the voice of anger was out of tune, and he began to shake his legs that were crushed. Only remove the pressed legs.

Here, he can’t stay long, he can leave immediately.

The bodyguards in the shoulders of the guns picked up the guns used by the bodyguards to counterattack. He didn’t have time to take over his own employer. He could only scream and let Qin Shisheng leave quickly. He couldn’t support it for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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