Chapter 3973 chapter blood attack

Xia Jinyuan still doesn’t know that he has received countless sounds, “I’m sorry.” He is now a little farther away from the front of the leaves.

The woods are too dark, and it is very likely that they will be remotely cobra their retreating route, and Xia Jinyuan, who has no night vision equipment, will catch up with the sound coming from the front.

Luke, who was very guilty in his heart, heard the footsteps coming from behind him, and his face suddenly showed joy, and the bodyguards around Cobra fired their guns behind them, and Luke slammed into the reaction. Arm, cold road: “Do you want to kill summer?”

The bodyguard whose arm was hit was cold: “Maybe it is not summer.”

“But I said that he is summer!” This time, Luke insisted.

Walking in front of Cobra’s footsteps, Luke said: “You and Xia together.”

“Yes!” Luke should be down, for fear that cobra will change his mouth, in exchange for cobra slightly dagger.

He needs subordinates of loyalty, and he does not need to give up his own partner. Obviously, Luke has always done this.

Xia Jinyuan, who was catching up with it, heard a familiar voice coming from behind a rock. He glanced around and looked at it with a sigh of relief. He stepped on the soft and dead leaves and opened the branches that blocked the way. This came to Luke.

There is no cobra nearby, it seems that this guy is waiting for him.

When I walked over, I quickly said, “They should have night vision equipment and retreat to the mountains as soon as possible to avoid their night vision equipment.”

Luke heard the night vision equipment and directly sang a “FUCK”. He said to Xia Jinyuan: “Don’t fight with them. I bet they must be sent by the Chinese to clean up the frivolous guy. And we, by him. Tired!”

“No one wants to rest tonight, and I have to escape.”

There was no gunshot in the village in the mountains. Everything seemed so quiet. Cobra didn’t know if he had escaped the Chinese search. He took a short break to adjust the breathing room. He waited for Luke and Xia.

Luke repeated what Xia Jinyuan said before, and said: “If it is really sent by the Chinese side, they must have regulations for their actions. So, Mr. Cobra, I think we should be safe until dawn.”

Cobra listened to the darkness in the back of the eye and converge a little, and the face with a sloppy face is no longer so tight.

Luke’s analysis is not wrong. If it is really sent by the Chinese side, they must have a task time rule. It is indeed a good idea to wait until dawn.

But he also hopes to go a little farther and be able to contact General Miner.

He did not want his own people to be stared at the regular army sent by the Chinese side to the Qing Dynasty, and did not want to have any misunderstanding with General Miner, who was coming by helicopter.

His appearance is gone, and his deal with General Minle still needs to continue.

The Burmese side is a big drug-producing country. He does not want to give up this fat, and he does not want to lose the secret protection of the Burmese troops. Before leaving the Myanmar side, he needs to tell General Miner that it is possible to destroy the Qinshen.

Things like this, let a country and another country’s troops confront each other, so that both sides are jealous, then he will be safe when he finally gets out of the scene.

Cobra has already thought about what to do next, just because he can think about what might happen in advance, so he will control everything in his own hands, never out of the palm, and because of this He has come to this day.

(End of this chapter)

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