Chapter 4003: The gentleman

Xia Jinyuan woke up and stayed at the hotel’s cobra. He quickly knew that he and General Minley were on the phone. On the phone, General Miner told him that he had sent someone to the Chinese capital to see if he could find out where his old Chinese friend is now. .

Early this morning, Cobra personally sent the prepared US dollar cash to General Miner, who lived in the large suite next door, and said that it was a hard-working general looking for a Chinese old friend for him. He was very generous and very good, let General Miner I am very pleased that the original thing that I wanted to delay was to call someone to go to the Chinese side to investigate.

Now, the subordinates who have gone to the Chinese investigation have entered the Chinese territory, waiting for the news to come.

Cobra is in a good mood. At present, his cooperation with General Minle is not bad. Plus, he can know the news of his old Chinese friend without going to China. Cobra has poured a glass of red wine to celebrate in Myanmar. The unpleasant experience of the party ended.

When he learned that his subordinates also woke up, Cobra dropped his glass and immediately rushed to the hospital.

Xia Jinyuan learned that cobra had entered, and he wanted to support himself. Cobra smiled at Luke: “Let him lie down, he needs to lie down to recover as soon as possible.”

Going to the bedside, full of artist-like melancholy eyes, I looked down on the **** and overwhelming summer and modern times. Cobra said with concern: “Thank God, let me not lose such a good subordinate. Summer, I am well fed, and Luke and I are waiting for you to come back.”

“And, we are safe now, you don’t have to worry about anything going on. Now, you just have to do one thing for me, that is, to heal.”

“I don’t expect to see a healthy subordinate for a long time.”

His lyrical words did not make Xia Jinyuan’s face undulate, but he nodded very lightly. The weak voice passed through the breathing mask and came calmly. “Mr. Cobra, this is what I should do.”

“No one can do it as good as you, you look tired, I will let Luke take care of you.” Cobra finished, lifted his wrist and looked at the time, showing a sorry expression, “Summer, I Now I need to take the plane back to Melaburn, I will wait for you to come back in Melaburn.”

“I hope that you can come back soon. After all, I can’t leave you alone.”

Revealing the meaning of letting Xia Jinyuan follow him, let Luke next to him clench his fist in the dark, cobra now believes in summer, for him… is good news.


“Yes, sir.” Luke should immediately wait for Cobra’s instructions.

“I think you must really want to stay and take care of your partner. Ok, I will give you a chance to stay and take care of summer. I will call you at any time to ask about the situation in summer.”

“Don’t worry, sir, I will take good care of summer until I can take him to drink the best wine and soak the most beautiful woman.”

“You are a ghost who can’t live without wine and women, but I don’t think summer will like your wine and women. Because your eyes are still so bad.”

Cobra said humorously, this is thinner than the average Western body. The man with dual identity looks very amiable and chats with his own subordinates. He even drank an afternoon tea with Xia Jinyuan and then took it. The bodyguards around are leaving.

Out of the ward, he looked at the bodyguard who had been keeping outside the ward and told him: “In the summer, he will see everyone who wrote it down to me. Everyone, including nurses and doctors, needs to know.”

(End of this chapter)

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