Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4007 - Insulting our country, you must

Chapter 4007, humiliating the country, must

The right hand is holding the kettle, and the left hand keeps holding the right arm bent over it, clinging tightly, as if to grab something.

The boat branch began to enter the territory of the Chinese side. In the morning mist, Ye Jian saw a bright red flag fluttering against the morning breeze, and the color was so red and dazzling.

This color is also on her right arm. Last night, her man’s hand was placed here and held tight until he said “go…”

He was so painful in the chest. He couldn’t say a lot of words. He could only hold the position of her arm’s flag with her hand, telling her that she needs to be a national matter, and let her know the weight of the “nation” in his heart.

No matter where he is, his heart has never left his “country”, and he has not been forgotten to touch the national flag.

Xia team, I am waiting for you to come back in our country!

Looking at the increasingly bright red flag in the morning fog, Ye Jian slowly stood up, followed by neat footsteps, Ye Jian turned and walked firmly to complete the line.


G3’s hoarse but imposing voice sounded, all the players’ eyes fixedly staring at the face flying with the flag, “squeaky” and raised their arms and honored the military ceremony.

They are back home! !

Q Wang, we are back home, please come back to China as soon as possible!

Boarding the ship to meet their border guards, the chest of the armed police stood up, the hand held the steel gun, the chin slightly lifted, and the salute of the special forces together looked steadfastly at the bright red flag.

Victory returns, do not disgrace the mission!

Those who humiliate our country, though far away!

After a few minutes in the morning, Xu Wei, the captain of the border defense team, the Yunbao commando team members have protected the two female soldiers and have returned to China. They will go to the frontier defense hospital for a medical examination after a short break at the border defense terminal.

Zhou Yi, who was undergoing physical examination, did not know why she suddenly cried. The female military doctor who checked her body saw this and gently waved her hand to signal everyone to quit, let the female soldier cry for a while.

Sometimes crying is also a self-regulation of personal emotions. It is better to cry and cry.

Ye Jian returned to China one hour later than Zhou, and she also stayed at the Frontier General Hospital. She finished her situation with the doctor, first made a waist CT, and then went to the doctor to pick out the broken thorns that were tied into the calf. .

She tied her trousers and lay flat on the bed, and the nurse holding the medical tray next to her couldn’t bear to look away.

The pair of calves did not have a good skin from below the knee. They were pulled out of the blood line by the spikes, and several pieces of the flesh were torn off.

In this way, the male soldier who accompanied her to check also said… He has seen it, the problem is not big.

Is the problem small?

There isn’t a good calf in the calf, but the problem is not big?

Under what circumstances is it called the problem?

There is also a wound on her tongue. Although it is stitched, it hurts her when she checks.

The picking doctor put on the white medical gloves and said to the leaves: “You need to wash the wounds with saline first, then you can pick the thorns, there will be a little pain, just forbearance.”

He said that he looked at the female soldier lying in his eyes and sighed: “You can’t use an anesthesia needle. The pain will take a long time. I will speed up as soon as possible.”

“Okay.” Ye Jian, with his eyes closed, smiled and replied. These pains and endures passed, and there was not much.

K7 said that there is not much, Ye Jian himself thinks that there is not much.

Washing the wounds used several bottles of normal saline. The surgical tweezers were washed with a cotton swab. The doctors didn’t dare to use too much force. The nurses on the other side were afraid that Ye Jian couldn’t stand it. He kept saying: “Keep it for a while, good. It’s very good soon.”

(End of this chapter)

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