Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4047 - Full of gratitude

Chapter 4047 is full of gratitude

From the southern provinces back to Jingli, the commander-in-chief of the summer mastered Ye Jian’s itinerary very clearly. She learned that she was going to watch the master tape provided by the police, and she was still sitting in the army of a certain army in the Xinjiang. For a while, to the guards around him: “Let the guard take her to the security center, and let the guards over there remind her to be more careful. After reading, return to school immediately, no longer go out.”

The guard immediately conveyed the command of the commander-in-chief to the caller who was talking to himself, and the guards who had been around Ye Jian, so that Ye Jian immediately knew.

The four guards have been accompanying Ye Jian, and now it is better to say that they are protected than to accompany them.

After the command of the commander-in-chief of the summer was passed, Ye Jian nodded lightly. She actually knew that it was not appropriate to do so. If the commander-in-chief did not arrange for her, it would be difficult for her to contact the master tape that had been sent to the military. Even if you see the master tape, you will not be able to find out the clues after watching all the surveillance videos for so many days.

She knows… But she only wants to think that Chen Shu is a banned bomb that is internationally banned. There is no way to control the heart that is eager to find the murderer.

Whether or not she can find the murderer from the video, she also wants to check out…

She also knows what the commander-in-chief is worried about, so there are still four guards around.

Chen Shu said that if he left, don’t alarm anyone, just want to leave silently. She knows that Chen Shu has been silent for a lifetime and does not want to be known by the world, but she knows that it is more because of her.

As a last resort, I told Ye Jian… It can be understood that he would tell her if he couldn’t help himself, and he would squat if he could come over.

Because of her uncle Chen, she did not forget to marry her “Don’t go, dangerous” before leaving.

She knows the danger ahead, she won’t go to risk easily, as the commander-in-chief said, she won’t go to risk until she doesn’t have enough strength to compete with sin before she becomes a world-class sniper.

Promise that Chen Shu will not be in danger, so she will not be reckless, she will take good care of herself, and can not let the root grandfather and Chen Shu both leave their minds and worry about their safe elders.

Soon, the mobile phone of Commander Xia received a newsletter from Ye Jian. After he saw it, he had a gratified smile.

The child of Xiaoye is not very old, but it is rare to see everything.

She understood that he was painstaking, knowing that the murderer had no eyebrows at this time, and worried that she would be in danger because of Chen’s business, so she said that she would return to school immediately after watching the video and would not stay.

Just be clear in your heart, just be clear.

In the eyes of the commander-in-chief, there was a text message in the past. After I read it, I was grateful.

“Fu is not in Beijing, don’t worry.”

Looking at this text message, Ye Jian’s eyes could not help but be somewhat blurred. She sent away two of her close relatives, but she had a close relative like the commander-in-chief. She was so lucky in this world.

She was afraid of disturbing Grandpa. The old man always said that he would like to thank Chen Shu for her many years of care. As a result, this day has not yet arrived. Chen Shu has gone.

If Grandpa knows that Chen Shu was murdered, she will surely trace it. Grandpa knows that he must be unable to feel good, his body is not good, and he will hurt himself for the time. She is worried that the old man’s body will not hold back.

If Fu Da is still okay, Chen Shu is not afraid of Fu Da’s death, but he dare not let Grandpa know.

This is why she did not tell Grandpa twice in Kyoto these days.

(End of this chapter)

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