Chapter 4052 Chapter 4052 Approach

Slightly thinking about it, the anniversary year calmly: They estimate that I want to push me to which way, either want to kidnap me, or want to create a car accident, and I, in a car accident, unfortunately died. Brother, help me contact the special police brigade and need them to go out. ”

The three-car sniper did not make the anniversary panic. On the speed of the car, she suddenly accelerated a moment. I saw the car smashing a few tens of meters away and smoothly turned into Nanding Road.

“I have now entered Nanding Road and started to turn right from Nanding Road to the main road. You can see if there is a traffic police night check on the main road.”

I want to know if there is a traffic police night check on the main road. Zhou Huainian can get a call. He first called the special police brigade and calmly responded to the special police on duty. Then he got through the Nanding Road. The telephone number of the traffic police detachment in a district is very regrettable. Today, on Thursday, there was no traffic police to check the main road in this area.

“There is no night check. Take the third ring directly from Dongling Road on Nanding Road and see how much oil the car has. Your colleague hasn’t come yet. You have no oil in this car.”

Zhou Huainian’s reminder makes the anniversary year laugh. “Reassured, full of oil. I went to Dongling Road and asked my colleague to copy the main road. I am now on Tongping Avenue next to Dongling Road, let my colleague go to Tongping Avenue. ”

“Well, beware.” Although Zhou Huainian worried about his sister, he also knew that his sister had a few pounds and two, and this time she just forced her to walk, she could cope.

Tongping Avenue is a main road with four lanes left and right. The anniversary year is 3.7 kilometers away from Nanding Road to Tongping Avenue. Zhou Huainian told her which way to go. The anniversary has already stepped on the throttle of the car. a lot of.

At this time, I can’t ignore the speeding.

The police car of the special police brigade was dispatched. A total of four police cars rang the police siren and went straight to Tongping Avenue.

The sirens rang, and the whole night sky could feel the tension. The passing cars heard the sudden sirens and gave way to the four police cars.

They have no way to contact the anniversary year. The mobile phone of the anniversary year has always kept a conversation with Zhou Huainian. She has already arrived at Tongping Avenue. The speed is very fast. She is driving to her side. She is not far away from the car. The scared car owners are all Can’t help but scream.

All have already reached the speed of 120 yards, which is equivalent to the speed of high-speed driving. Can you not recruit people?

But soon three more cars came at the same speed. Some drivers thought that it was estimated that the sons of the brothers in the city were driving, and went to his uncle, and used a car of ten thousand to call the car? I am sick!

After the sigh, I was relieved that many drivers continued to drive their own cars. They were honest and disciplined. They didn’t dare to drive like the four cars that used to be. It’s not the car, it’s a life, one is not paying attention. Life is annihilated!

The driving technology of the anniversary year is so good that the three cars that are tightly gripped behind are not waiting for them. They want to push the Chinese special police who seem to know something to the viaduct, then let the truck hit it and hit her vehicle from the viaduct. In this way, the Chinese special police will be resolved.

But what annoys them is that they don’t know that the Chinese special police will drive like this. Now things are in trouble. The trouble is likely to make their plans fail.

(End of this chapter)

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