Chapter 4055 Armored Car

It was an indispensable training for a special commander during the driving. However, when Ye Jian was at the auto training base, he had a pistol with an empty bomb to fight back.

Now, in addition to the silver silk that does not leave the wrist every time, there is no other weapon. If you want to stop shooting at a distance, it is impossible. Only when you are directly involved in the battle can you force the other party. shooting.

After a few “S” big turns, Ye Jian’s speed was not reduced at all, like a shell that had been ejected, and went straight toward the cross-stop car.

“damn it!”

The man with the gun shot saw this, cursing a word and quickly releasing the brakes, no longer trying to stop by the side stop shooting to stop the guy who didn’t know it.

I thought that the guns in my hand were enough to force the guys who blocked them to complete the task, who knew it exceeded their expectations.

Who said that the Chinese police are all weak to the chickens on the farm, and who said that the Chinese police did not carry the guns, they can easily solve them.

Which **** guy said it!

These Chinese policemen are not so good at all. At least, the Chinese police they met tonight have made them feel tricky.

“Fred, I have had a little trouble here. I solved the Chinese female policeman and solved the **** guy who didn’t know where I came from here. His car is bulletproof and there is no way to solve him. I need to open it now. He is only.”

The man with the steering wheel slammed and slammed the car forward. He saw the gray car from the rearview mirror and drove him toward him. The guy was going to hit his car. Until he hit him.

Ye Jian did have such a plan, and even had plans to hit the current car to the end of retirement, but let her not think of it… The car that came out of the guards looked unremarkable, and the result turned out to be Bulletproof car!

The Western man who chased the anniversary year heard the companion saying that he did not know where the bullets came from, the brows tightened tightly, and smashed his companions. “In China, if you can drive a bulletproof car, I heard that society High status, open him, don’t entangle with him.”

They have known the Chinese side and even investigated some situations in the Chinese society. Therefore, they all know that the Chinese police will not carry guns every day and will not carry guns after work.

I picked up the anniversary year and got off work when I got off work at night. It was after they had investigated it before they started to act.

But I didn’t think that the anniversary year turned the car into a racing car.

The car is an interest in the anniversary year. When I was in junior high school, I followed the Zhou Huainian car. Of course, she only had a look.

In high school, Zhou Huainian took her to a racing club in Jingli, that is, in the year of high school, she began to systematically learn the car in the anniversary year.

Now, in the Beijing-based F1 Formula One Circuit, there is a car that Zhou Huainian bought for her. When there is time or pressure, she will go alone to the outside of the suburbs of Beijing to run a few laps, or together with Zhou Huainian. In the past, I played a few games with the riders in the club.

At her level, she can participate in large competitions.

At this moment, she drove a car with a broken wheel and wandered into the outer side of the industrial park. After a sudden reversal, the wheels were crushed over the asphalt road and the rubber was empty. And the smell of asphalt…

(End of this chapter)

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