Chapter 4083 Breakup

“I don’t have such a powerful person. The teachers and buddies came back and said, the students who have been in the class for two days have already known. I and Wenzi just listened to Song Zhiqiu.”

After He Jing finished, Xu Wen said again: “With a message, Song Zhiqiu brought a big handsome guy. It is said to be even more handsome than Song Zhiqiu. I intend to take our family Jingjing to see the handsome guy!”

“It’s your own going to see the handsome guy, every time you like to pull the Jingjing.” Ye Jian smiled and looked at Xu Wen. The junior Xu Wen was better than the freshman Xu Wen who didn’t know how much he improved. People like, the body can no longer find the inertia of the past.

In the words of the instructor, it’s a new life!

There is no inertia, but the nature still remains, such as watching a handsome guy.

Every time she said she was going to see a handsome guy, He Jing would refuse, and reiterated that she had an object, and she must not be half-hearted.

Xu Wen himself has objects, this is the secret of the three of them.

But this time, He Jing said: “First, I will pay for the mobile phone with Ye Jian, and then I will go to Song Qiuqiu together. Tonight, Song Qiuqiu will treat the **** shop in the city of Bengbu, which is a few minutes away from the school.”

Today is only a report, there is no other curriculum, there is no late self-study, plus what the school always wants to buy, out of the release line can generally get.

Ye Jian did not intend to go out, and she was puzzled by He Jing’s answer.

He Jing, who never went to see the handsome guy with Xu Wen, how is it abnormal today?

He Jing knows that Ye Jian is careful, and this time she must have heard something. Anyway, she did not think about concealing it. He lost a lot of He Jing and said: “I broke up with that person, and this year’s Spring Festival. “”

Ye Jian was stunned and looked at He Jing. “Why, you changed your mind to get closer to the college entrance examination. Why did you separate them together?”

“Not his parents at the other side.” Xu Wen said indignantly, and his mouth was high.

He Jing was in the cap of the army and smiled faintly: “His parents disagree, and think that his boss is not small, and I still study, graduated and did not worry about going to have children. You also know that the traditional concept of the elderly in the village is heavy. I am not willing to accept a girl who is not planning to have a child within five years, so she is at home, and she has arranged a blind date with me.”

“My sister knows to tell me, I called to ask him, although he did not agree with the object introduced at home, but he could not violate the wishes of his parents. The two calmed for ten days, I called home during the Spring Festival, my sister told My old man was struggling with a rope at home, and the uncle took him with the rattan. The relatives at home also advised him not to be so afflicted with his parents. It was too filial.”

He Jing told Ye Jian in a very calm tone, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Then, the reddish and tearful eyes told Ye Jian that her heart was not calm. .

“I compromised, and he also compromised. The two sides only compromised. This is the way to break up.” He Jing’s nose was blocked. She took a heavy breath and her mouth was a bit bleak. “Maybe not love enough.” No, there is no second choice except for breaking up.”

Xu Wen lowered her head and choked her voice for her friends. “How can there be such a parent who is not open-minded, so I have to marry early and have a baby.”

(End of this chapter)

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