Chapter 4085 is green

It’s still a success!

“It’s too much, it just makes me very surprised. I have never mentioned that you will join the army before.” Ye Jian also intends to step back and look at Yang Heng from the bottom line. “Sure enough, handsome when you are dressed.” Too much.”

“How did you join the army?” she asked again.

Yang Henglian, who had shaved a plate, was a lot harder. “It’s like this. I don’t know how to register for the time.”

“Now I am translating from the team. You are from the military.”

Yang Heng, who came back from studying abroad, did not think that he chose to join the army. Just because his aunt Song Lanting said, “If you don’t think about where to go, you can join the army. You don’t have much to see. You can try it and see if you can go in.”

Yang Heng’s overseas study is just 23 years old. He is a graduate of the graduate school, graduated from graduate school and a student, and he is one year younger than 24 years old. The most important thing is that he still graduated from master’s degree, and then Yang Heng last winter. Enlisted.

It was assigned to the translation department of a certain base and became a translator in the army.

This time, he did not come with Song Zhiqiu, but came with their heads to come to the National Science and Technology University to do something.

After listening to why Yang Heng was enlisted in the army, Ye Jian couldn’t help feeling. “I never thought that you would join the army. Before the holiday, I chatted with you in the autumn. We both agreed that you would stay in Australia for your girlfriend. ”

“Ha ha ha, that Australian beauty has had a new love, my brother…” Because it is Ye Jian, Song Zhiqiu did not want to prepare so much that Yang Heng was shaken by the green history, and he did not say that the stomach was Yang Heng. The elbow slammed down.

“Song Qiuqiu, you dare to say a word again and again.” Yang Heng gnashed his teeth and warned that such a shameful thing… He did not want to mention one sentence, it is completely black history, and he does not want to recall in his lifetime.

When I hit the Song Qiuqiu on the spot and snorted, I stopped talking. I only said to Ye Jian: “If you have time, talk to you and avoid him.”

Xu Wen and He Jing did not immediately hear anything. Ye Jian saw Yang Heng’s dark black face, his mouth smirked, and his attention to Yang Heng’s line of sight became meaningful.

Although she stopped in time, she still knew something about it.

With a new love, these words contain a lot of information.

Yang Heng was very uncomfortable when he was clearly seen by Ye. Finally, he took a look at Ye Jian, and he was very helpless and sighed. “Being friends, the psychological pressure is not really big. So smart, there are still No personal privacy?”

“It’s still private, and the whole family laughed for a long time. It’s also called privacy.” Song Zhiqiu smirked on his stomach and said to Ye Jian: “Tonight, my brother will treat you and go out for dinner together. Xu Wen, He Jing, you The two have to give me a face.”

Ye Jian quickly introduced his friend and comrade-in-arms to Yang Heng. He was shocked by the military uniform of Yang Heng and forgot to introduce it.

After the introduction, Xu Wen smiled at Song Qiuqiu: “Your brother is a lot more handsome than you.”

Song Zhiqiu looked at Yang Heng and asked Xu Wen with a serious look: “Is the company you are delegating in the Gobi desert?”

“What?” Xu Wen did not understand what he meant, a question mark.

Ye Jian looked at the two cousins ​​and smiled at Xu Wen: “He means that your eyes are not smeared.”

(End of this chapter)

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