Chapter 4088

It is quite common for laboratory staff to go out with the doctoral students at school. But not everyone knows that it is necessary to go to some “unspeakable” bases.

Ye Jian did not know that Yang Heng left the school with the staff of the electromagnetic laboratory. She only knew that the old friend who had not seen for a long time left school at 6 o’clock this morning.

Yesterday, Yang Heng told her to leave school at 6 o’clock this morning. As for when to see you next time, I am really not sure.

It may be a few years, and it may be very soon.

As a child’s friend lost with the years, with the increase of age, no one knows when it is next time, Yang Heng smiled at Ye Jian: “When I meet, I don’t know, but I know Come back to your school to find you, I can come in with the documents.”

It is the truth.

Military schools are militarized, and like the troops, it is impossible to let people go in casually. In particular, there are many laboratories in the National Science and Technology University. These laboratories often have some of the latest confidential information developed by R&D. That is not an ordinary thing.

Like these laboratories, even the students in this school can’t enter, they must be in charge of the laboratory, and qualified people can enter and exit.

Even if the person like Feng Jian, the laboratory is her forbidden place, she will not open to her at will.

Yang Heng did not tell Ye Jian who they would take away, only told her when she left, Ye Jian knew that he had left, but she and Song Zhiqiu had no way to send them. If they had already said something, they would wait. Let’s meet next time.

In the second half of the third year of the junior year, all the courses and trainings were even heavier. From the beginning of the school to the May Day holiday, Ye Jian did not leave the school for half a step. In order to get the “excellent students” when he graduated, Ye Jian was busy every day. To the gyro, even with He Jing and Xu Wen, she was driven by her. The first thing that every time three people returned to the dormitory was to take the little horse out and sit for more than ten minutes before getting up and washing.

So busy, He Jing quickly came out of the loss of love, she put the first love that had been a lot of energy into the memory, and no longer easily read it.

She really didn’t have the energy to read it again. It was too tired and too tired. Sometimes she even suspected that Ye Jian was deliberately doing this, and she was too busy to forget that she was a lost person.

However, this year is estimated to be a season of loss of love. There are still a few male students in the class who are also in love. The reason is very simple. If you get away from it, you will not even have a phone call. If you want to find someone, you can’t find someone. A boyfriend did not feel the same, the woman proposed to break up, the man died to face a “oh” word, and then broke up.

These things are Song Qiuqiu, several of their boys secretly and Ye Jian said, when they say that they look awkward, as if they are the same.

Ye Jian pays little attention to the private affairs of the students in the class, so I always felt that there should be no students in the class who fell in love until the five male students fell in love before the holidays from May to May, and Ye Jian knew the original… like her There are so many underground jobs.

I did not think that their relationship was so fragile, and the phrase “getting together and getting more” would easily break the relationship between the two. You can’t say who is right or wrong, but when you decide to find a soldier who has no time and you spend the month before, you must be prepared to have a boyfriend equal to no boyfriend.

In this sentence, she once told Jiaxin.

(End of this chapter)

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