Chapter 4094 Warning

Well, since there is still no disclosure, then he is even less likely to reveal it. Xia Jinyuan regained his sight and said: “Sorry, I haven’t looked at you and the beauty in the car. I need to accompany cobra now. Mr. went to see a customer from China.”

“Customer, what customer? Why I haven’t heard of it.” Luke’s stiff face faded, his eyes widened, and he looked very much. He said loudly: “Summer, in order to reject me, you are now cobra.” Please come out, sir?”

Luke does not know that Cobra is going to meet customers. He also knows that his partner will not lie to himself. However, he now wants to know what customers Cobra is going to see.

Luke, who gave himself a tie and then started to cover his own words, Luke, to be honest, Luke’s level of speaking in front of him is really average, of course, only in front of himself, in front of others Luke absolutely You won’t make this mistake that makes it easy for Cobra to find the problem.

Luke knew that Cobra was going to see the Chinese client, but he didn’t know who it was, so he deliberately asked him if he could ask what he could ask from Xia Jinyuan.

At a glance, he was looking forward to Xia Jinyuan’s inconsistency. “Mr. Cobra intends to invest in China. The Chinese side also expressed great interest. I still need to do business, please let me know, thank you.”

Xia Jinyuan did not hide it. He chatted casually. This kind of thing cobra would not hide Luke, and perhaps he still told him something else.

Cobra is very cunning. Sometimes he divides the same thing into several parts and lets different people do it. This is why Luke has come to cobra and there is no way to collect the most powerful evidence.

“I went to see the Chinese client. Mr. Cobra mentioned it once in the last time. He said that he needs to think carefully. How do you change your mind now?” Luke asked.

Xia Jinyuan has already finished packing up. Seeing that Luke has not left yet, his brows are tightened tightly. “Mr. Cobra wants to see who, not we can interfere. Luke, you are very strange recently. I hope that you will converge a little. I can do it in front of me, but in front of Mr. Cobra and others, you’d better close your mouth as before.”

“I don’t like to re-adapt to a new partner.” This is a reminder and a warning.

It’s a pleasure to return home immediately, but it’s best not to be obsessed with it.

But he can also understand Luke’s feelings at this moment. It’s really exciting to leave home after almost six years.

If he has been away for so long, he may be as excited as Luke.

Luke was reminded of his heart and looked at Xia Jinyuan, who had already reached the door. The dark color in his eyes could not help but be a little deep. Just summer… is it reminding him?

Why does he always feel that what he found in summer is not what he found.

Luke’s mouth was tight.

Xia Jinyuan, who has already stepped out of the door, did not return and said, “Come out and close the door, thank you.”

Luke did not immediately answer, if Xia really found something, he should be right about cobra, but he has not.

But why does he always feel that something has been discovered in summer?

If Xia really found something and he didn’t tell cobra, then why is this?

Luke did not answer Xia Jinyuan, he fell into his own contemplation.

Xia Jinyuan, who came out, did not manage what Luke had to do at this time. He would leave on his own and did not need Luke’s help. As long as Russia did not run out, it would become a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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