Chapter 4096 is awesome, love the enemy

Xia Jinyuan did not have much exchanges with Qin Xiu, and he had never seen Qin Xiu deal with foreign affairs. This time, seeing Qin Xiu can communicate to make cobra’s face more and more dignified. Several times, questions have been dialed by Qin Xiu. Blocked back, Xia Jinyuan is both admired and so complicated.

This rival is really amazing!

“Every country has its own laws and regulations in every country. If you enter the Chinese market here, the first thing is to understand and understand our laws and regulations. At the same time, we must pay close attention to the policy trends of the core government agencies such as the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. You can’t escape responsibility by not knowing or knowing to act as an excuse.”

Cobra seized the opportunity to make himself open. He smiled: “Of course, if I enter the Chinese market, I must understand the Chinese legal regulations.”

He replied in this way, in exchange for Qin Xiu’s smile and shook his head. “Mr. Krone, you enter the Chinese market and then learn about China’s legal regulations. I think it’s late.”

Cobra’s look was a little colder, and Xia Jinyuan felt that he was screaming at the anger that he had nowhere to vent.

Hey, our country’s ambassador is really powerful. I’m going to take this poisonous snake out of the internal injury.

What the other party thinks about this time is not affecting Qin Xiu’s exchanges. Qin Xiu, who has crossed his hands and fingers on the conference table, continues to smile and not tough: “And, I have read your application in detail, and I mentioned it a bit. You will buy.”

“Here, I need to be very careful to remind you that the acquisition can be, but it must be legal, not a hostile takeover. I will provide the SASAC with a piece of information. Once your company enters the Chinese market, it will become a key concern. “”

That is, it has not yet begun, and China has first targeted the cobra company.

This is not what cobra thinks!

He wants to make it easier for him to act when he enters the Chinese market by handing over the Chinese diplomatic ambassador, instead of… the Chinese are keeping an eye on everything!

Qin Xiu’s time may be a bit tight. He didn’t give Cobra a chance to ask questions. He finished his main purpose. He smiled slightly, and he was as elegant as his son. He was just a little bit strong and suddenly became very easy-going. “This is the key point I have mentioned today. I hope that Mr. Krone will understand and understand. We welcome foreign businessmen to enter the Chinese market and look forward to cooperating with Mr. Krone.”

Xia Jinyuan knew that Cobra’s mood was very bad at this time. He thought that this time he would reach an agreement. Where did he know that the Chinese ambassador had come up so strong that he had no chance to ask for a request, which made cobra not angry?

In the face of his own rivals, Xia Jinyuan had to admit this rival… very good, excellent to let him admire.

Admire the love of the enemy, afraid that only him Xia Jinyuan alone!

“Mr. Krone can consider it again and make a detailed investigation of the Chinese market, because I feel that you don’t know about our Chinese market, but it can be biased…” Speaking of this, Qin Xiu paused and looked down. Do not avoid taking cobra, the gentle expression has a bit cold, “Mr. Krone gave me a kind of eagerness to enter the Chinese market, and I don’t care if there will be a loss.”

“This feeling is very strange. Since Mr. Krone is the biggest entrepreneur of Melaburn, he should be very concerned about losses and profits. But in your application, I have no such feeling at all.”

Cobra heard this sentence, the pupil slammed down.

Qin Xiu, I really appreciate him, hahaha.

Thanks to the care of the little goblins, hospitalized for two days, my old waist can finally turn over in bed.

Today in the hospital code word, the nurse sister is moved by my professionalism… I have to praise for myself!

(End of this chapter)

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