Chapter 4108, grasp

These survival training is not difficult for Ye Jian, but the most simple and simple primary training. She tried to speed up the escape rope and she began to accelerate the decline.

Pulling the escape rope, breathing a little, and another leaflet has begun to slide down.

At this moment, the feet can still lie on the mountain. When the escape rope runs down the suspended layer, the feet lose their strength. The upper limbs have the skills of usual training to complete the dangling landing.

The initial speed of Ye Jian was not slow and parallel with the Song of the Fall. When it was about to approach the suspended surface, Song Qiu only moved the descending device. When he looked up again, Ye Jian, who had just descended with himself, immediately fell one meter. More, disappeared from your own eyes.

The students heard a slight sigh of relief from the ear.

He looked down and saw that Jane had fallen to the suspended layer and fell at a very fast rate.

Pulling the rope, tightening, and sliding the descending device is as simple as eating and drinking. All the movements are done in a continuous manner. There is no stagnation in the middle. It is as skillful as the drooping training. .

Song Zhiqiu couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. He said to the classmates who could not see Ye Jian: “Three seconds down ten meters, I am still above, she has already landed.”

That is to say, the three-storey escape rope descended, and Ye Jian did not use it for a minute and landed.

The students who stood still above silently wiped the sweat that had not been blown by the wind in the mountains, and the leaves of their class were destined to be an insurmountable legend.

The leaves of the two feet landed on the descending device, and the two hands grasped the escape rope and swayed hard. Looking up at the backlight to the black and clear mountain, raised the voice, “Safely landed, next! Take time! !”

She is safely on the side, indicating that everything below is safe, and all the students can begin to hang down.

Female students preferred, Xu Wen began to decline after Ye Jian, her progress in the past two years, the basic skills were trained to be very solid, so the first one returned to the field to complete the three-story descent , my heart is more or less a little bit worried.

Taking a deep breath, the male student who tightened the escape rope made an “OK” gesture and began to have a rhythm.

“Come on!” The second ready-made He Jing whispered to his friends and comrades.

“Well, nothing, you can become.” Xu Wen returned a sentence, his feet went down, the whole body leaned back slightly, with the sliding of the descending device, Xu Wen has begun to hang down.

The following Song Qiu safe landing, he stepped on the escape rope with one foot, and his hands were tightly pulled. Ye Jianxiao, who made the same posture together to ensure that the escape rope did not shake, said: “You are really amazing. Is it really going to develop in the future? ?”

“The last instructor said that with your current physical performance, there is no problem in directly participating in the special forces campaign. The biggest problem is that there is no official female special forces unit in China.”

The instructors who were responsible for physical training in the military academy saw the results of Ye Jian, and all agreed that they could participate in the selection of special species.

The only pity is that there are no women’s special forces.

I have been keeping an eye on the top, and the leaf that looks back at the light smiles: “There are no women’s special forces, then I can enter the men’s special forces. As long as the troops are formed, what men and women are divided.”

“Hey, you don’t really have such a plan. The military school graduated to the special forces? Go to the field troops?” Song Zhiqiu read the seriousness of Ye Jian’s smile, and he was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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