Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4110 - Dangerous situation

Chapter 4110 Danger

There were also three students. The three men re-engaged the two escape ropes into one, and then directly wrapped the fir trees into an “n” shape, throwing the ends of the escape rope down, so that the last student completed After the fall, the escape rope of the activity can be collected.

“Well, I am going to fall, and both of you are ready.”

A male student grabbed the end of the escape rope and slammed it down. “I started, you tightened underneath.”

“Tighten, keep you from falling.”

“Several people pull you, don’t worry, come down!”

Xu Wen raised his eyebrows at Ye Jian and was quite proud: “Is it bigger than the courage of the male students? Oh, I am more and more admired.”

“Take it down, you are urinating. Still daring, do you want to sleep at that place in the evening?” He Jing loves Xu Wen, who is going to fight at the end of the tail, so that she won’t be too smug and start to regress.

Ye Jane does not comment on this.

Occasionally, it is indeed necessary for He Jing to step on the tail of Xu Wen’s upturn.

The trainees who landed safely below smiled and swayed the sunshine that belonged to them, so that the three students above could not help but laugh.

The male student was not afraid of it, but when he hanged down, the buffer was not fully buckled and was lowered. In an instant, the whole person slid down the escape rope.

“Xu Neigh!”

“I rely!”

“Quick, tighten!”

Seeing that the male students underneath this scene are all looking at each other, this **** is going to be a big deal!

Always standing next to her, she was stunned, and her eyes were fast, and she quickly tightened the escape rope, and then forced a rumor. The escape rope stalked the male student like a snake.

The students who witnessed the whole process saw this, and the heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and the eyes were full of coziness.

When I was still in my eyes, I saw that the escape rope suddenly stalked Xu’s neighbor like a living, and let the fallen comrades suddenly stop in the air. At that moment, all the students were like themselves. Escaped.

Ye Jane grabbed the escape rope with both hands and hurriedly ran to the same level of the mountain, pulling the original vertical escape rope hard by her to pull the **** of a slope.

She tightened here, and the male students immediately reacted. Liu Yang and several other male students rushed up and pulled the escape rope together with Ye Jian.

Song Zhiqiu yelled, “Xu, kill the buffer!”

Too hard to use, the neck and blue veins are all out.

Oh shit! Now hanging on the top of five or six meters high, this **** wants to fall down and die, but also break a few bones!

Now all the stones are in the wrong place!

The vowed male student Xu Neu scared himself to death, and the cold sweat came out instantly.

He did not think that he would make this mistake!

Fortunately, I was calm enough to lose my sense of proportion. I quickly put the buffer in my hand on the escape rope. When I buckled, I was nervous and my hands were straight.

“Mom, it’s too tight, you can’t get in!”

The neighbors who were escaping from the escape rope buckled for two times and did not pull the buffers that were tightened into the camouflage suit. Ye Jian said to the male student who was pulling the escape rope with himself: “You must tighten, don’t shake!” I used to help him now!”

“Okay, we are at ease here!”

The boys are all tightened until the arm muscles are tight, they must be tightened. If they are not tightened, the escape rope will be loose, and the neighboring five or six meters high will fall!

Ye Jane slightly decapitated, she let go of the other hand that was grabbed by the male students.

(End of this chapter)

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