Chapter 4112 Post-Autumn Accounting

All the students were relieved. It was really dangerous now. If it wasn’t for their captain Ye Jian’s reaction, he knew how to save it. At this moment, Xu’s neighbors would not be dead.

Still in the above, Xu Dao mouth gasping, the chest ups and downs can be seen from a scary, white face with Ye Jian said “well, Xu … …” blood began to recover slowly, face scared A lot of light.

The wind in the mountains is getting colder and colder. I can’t help but scream a chill in Xu, and I swallowed my eyes with difficulty. After the tension, he even had some sand in his voice. “Thank you, Captain, just thanks to you, otherwise, I I’m afraid I’m hanging.”

They don’t have helmets, they all have training caps, and they don’t hang when they land on the head.

Ye Jian saw that he was scared to say “thank you” all straight. After thinking about it, she reached out and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t be afraid, training accidents are normal. Learning lessons and increasing experience are progress. Next time you will be I know that I can’t take it lightly at any time. Even if things are stable, there will be ‘everything’ happening.”

“Go down slowly, there are two comrades on it to get down.”

Xu Xiang nodded, his arm muscles still twitching, and he took several deep breaths in a row. He felt that he was a little calmer, and he was about to sweat to his eyes, which slowly began to fall.

Ye Jian said to the two comrades on the top: “Hong Wenlin, Zhu Xuan, you two are down to watch! The following is all right.”

The two male students waiting for the first time heard nothing, and they relieved that they quickly answered Ye Jian, “Receive, receive!”

After receiving the comrade-in-arms’ answer, Ye Jian began to decline. She didn’t drop to the end as before. Xu’s neighbor was scared, and the speed was quite slow, and she was just a little under Xu’s neighbor, so that she could reach out again if there was another accident. Grab a hand.

Song Zhiqiu wiped the eyes of the sweaty red to the sly eyes, and he couldn’t keep his eyes uncomfortable. He was not blinking for a moment, and he was afraid that there would be another accident.

When Xu was down, his hand was still shaking, and even the buffer was given by the vice captain Song Zhiqiu.

“Okay, okay, nothing, slow breath, slow breath.” Song Zhiqiu, who gave him a buffer, could feel that Xu’s whole body muscles were still tight, especially the arm was hard like a stone.

This guy, just scared enough.

Xu is still in the mouth, his shoulders have been smashed by countless fists.

“What do you think about it? If you don’t buckle it, you will rush down. If it isn’t our captain, you are lying here for a while!”

“We were all scared by you and didn’t mention it!”

“Do you feel that you are hanging up at the time? Come on, thank you, our captain!”

Song Zhiqiu and Ye Jian, who came down one step at a time, took a look at each other. He said to several comrades who were concerned about Xu’s neighbor: “Rescue Xu to stay next to the rest, let the two of them down.”

The tight-knit Xu neighbor did not let his comrades set up themselves and slandered.

He waved his hand, his hands on his knees and his teeth, and he took a few steps in his footsteps, and then stood in front of Ye Jian, the military ceremony has been respected.

“Captain, thank you!” If you didn’t meet their captain, he wouldn’t be so lucky to stand up and talk.

Ye Jian sees this, picks his eyebrows and smiles: “No thanks, you must be punished when you go back. Please thank me after the punishment.”

Such a serious mistake, the rescue is successful until the fall of the account.

(End of this chapter)

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