Chapter 4118 Classmates

When it rains and touches the mountain, every step is a test. In particular, it is necessary to pick up two pounds of old tea leaves. This is simply torture and torture of the body and mind.

Ye Jian, who only slept for less than an hour, looked at the waterproof watch. When the first batch of students crossed the classroom, she had already started timing.

The time was two hours, and the trainees completed three patrols of patrolling, searching for objects and picking tea.

Song Qiuqiu, the deputy captain, did not sleep. He followed Ye Jian from the mountains. He was shocked by what he did not know what was coming out of the graveyard. He didn’t feel sleepy when he returned to the classroom.

Now the first batch of students set off and worried that they would have no more sleepiness.

“This is the most basic training for the daring. The brothers and sisters who came back last time were a little better than us. They didn’t catch up with the rain, but they all camped overnight around the cemetery. Live in the classroom.”

“Without this in my heart, there is nothing.”

Ye Jian sees Song Qiuqiu from time to time to look at the watch, from time to time to look up outside, looks like a child out of his own, he is anxious and worried.

Ye Jian, who has undergone a lot of psychological tests, does not think that it is very difficult to practice daring tonight. The main reason is that he needs to go through the fear of blackness and fear of the cemetery. He overcomes the psychological suggestion that terror has spawned and made himself afraid. He regards the night as the day. There is nothing.

Song Zhiqiu thought that she had just made the mountain road into a big road. Every step was smooth and steady. Even the breath did not change. I couldn’t help but ask: “I can’t figure it out, why don’t you be afraid? People have a source of darkness. Instinctual fear, how can you not use it here?”

Ye Jane thought about it before answering: “Because I have not been influenced by you. Jung’s “collective subconsciousness” can explain why it is fearful. When there is one or more people in the group who are afraid of darkness, night black There are a lot of ghosts in the windy alpine **** cemetery… These will breed fear, which will affect the surrounding people and generate fear.”

“I deliberately arranged Xu Wen to this batch, because there are three people who sleeped last night until dawn, and there is not much fear of darkness. They want to make them bold and let Xu Wen overcome fear. mood.”

“Of course, there are also things that can be scared by Xu Wen, for example… a little guy suddenly rushed out, Xu Wen was scared, and the comrades around him just strained their hearts, and they were scared.”

“Well, I jumped away from the “collective subconscious” framework, focused on my own affairs, and then thought about things that are more scary than walking the night road. Basically, I have no feeling.”

“To put it bluntly, it is the lack of guts training. I am going back to make a suggestion to the hospital to see if I can open a psychological education training group and link it with combat research. When I train, I will increase my courageous psychological behavior training. This is for the students. Saying that I think it should be useful.”

As the captain, Ye Jian is not only responsible for the arrangement of the students, she also needs to record the various performances of each student in the field survival training, what are the personal advantages, what are the shortcomings, and what difficulties the team needs to overcome. The inadequacies that need improvement, she needs to remember, master, and detailed in the report to submit to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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