Chapter 4133 Demeanor

I want to tell her… The man she loves will return to China soon. If you have any difficulties, you can choose to tell your boyfriend, and don’t be alone.

The name and phone number of Ye Jian have appeared on the screen, not a private mobile phone, belonging to the school number.

Staring at the name of “Ye Jian” for a few tens of seconds, Qin Xiu threw the phone over the coffee table, raised his hand, and his thin lips tightened. He was a little annoyed and pulled a good tie, raised his neck, and his throat rolled down. Untied the button on the top of the button, and then loosen the tie, and unbutton the shirt cuff, revealing smooth muscles, looking very powerful, not like a Civil servant.

Premise, you have to ignore his handsome face.

At this time, young diplomats who have always maintained a rigorous and elegant image have revealed a decadent decadence.

“Oh shit!”

He cursed low and his voice was a little loud, causing two armed policemen who protected him to look at him with surprise.

Just now… they should have not heard it wrong!

The rigorous ambassador has been swearing?

Qin Xiu will only be so swearing, and still… I really can’t think of any swear words that can express his mood at this time, only to swear a swearword that even children know.

It can be seen that Qin Xiu is a diplomat who can’t even speak dirty words.

As for why suddenly swearing, only Qin Xiu himself is clear.

“The ambassador, if the major said that the confirmation is true, we suggest that you have a pistol to defend yourself.” The armed police gathered their faces and went straight to the topic and made their suggestions seriously. “Although it is a tourist city in the north.” But the country of Melaburn is famous for its chaos in the world. Gangs, riots, guns, etc. are all labels of this country. If there is a riot tonight, you need a gun to defend yourself.”

Qin Xiu sighed and said: “It is not possible to have a riot, but to confirm that there is a riot.” He believes that Xia Jinyuan’s words are completely without doubt.

The Commander-in-Chief reminded him that he must not disturb Xia Jinyuan, so as not to cause cobra’s suspicion. When he met, he saw Xia Jinyuan, even if his heart was shocked, he also restrained his own sight.

After asking for proof in China, I was more fortunate that I was restrained at that time.

With such a dangerous responsibility, Xia Jinjin waved himself at the risk of being exposed, so he believed that there was a riot in the night.

You must know that when Xia Jinyuan disguised himself as a waiter, the shock in his heart was no less than that of Xia Jinjin.

At the risk of notifying him that there will be riots tonight, there is no reason not to believe him, and he will not question the sincerity of a soldier who is loyal to the country.

“You are right, I really need a self-defense pistol. You two are in my room tonight, what can be done together.”


The two armed policemen shouted in unison and gave Qin Xiu a pistol full of bullets.

It is not until midnight, Qin Xiu simply returned to the room to rest, the two armed police are resting in the outside room, reserve energy to deal with the next chaos tonight.

The night is darker, the sound of the waves on the beach is even bigger, and there are big waves that slap the reef. The splashes of water splash high and fall back to the sea, and the tides rise and fall, never ending.

Luke, who opened the window and listened to the sound of the waves, has smoked countless cigarettes. There are at least five cigarette butts in the glass ashtray.

The smoking is too fierce and there is a big smell of smoke in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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