Chapter 4139 Guild Wars

“Back, there is an ambush! You cover Mr. Cobra, hand it over to me and Luke!”

Xia Jinyuan, who was almost shot, was so cold and low. Now he and Luke are the courageous subordinates of Cobra. They must first cover him safely.

Cobra was covered by his bodyguards and heard the low-pitchedness of Xia Jinjin. He rolled over and rolled to the door frame of a room. The back was tightly attached to the closed door. The sound is to protect one of his personal bodyguards: “Let the summer come back, they are on top.”

Xia, a very good subordinate, loyal and capable, and he is more comfortable with him.

They are the ones who cover the cobra retreat.

This time, Luke and another personal bodyguard broke out. Xia Jinyuan became a personal protection cobra. At this time, Luke was satisfied with his breakout. He stepped forward with the cobra to the Russian “signal flag” special. Then we went down the ambush corridor.

The two signal-flagged special forces on the waist, which were suppressed by firepower, tied the escape rope and jumped out of the window. They stepped on the platform of the hotel to plant flowers and plants. Then they were extremely flexible and crossed several platforms. Hey, finally choose the window sill of a room.

“Oh…” A glass shattered, and the two broke the glass with their feet. In the two “ah” screams, they entered the room where the passengers lived.

When I heard the gunshots outside, the two young women hiding in the bed saw two black shadows suddenly breaking through the window. They were scared by the gunshots and they shivered with their knees shaking.

The Russian special forces who landed whispered a sentence, “Don’t be afraid.” The two quickly ran to the door, and a special soldier’s ear clung to the door. As the gestures “one, two, three” were finished, the door was violently opened. , a burst of fire toward the front.


NATO’s rifle bullets tore the air, and no mercy hit the guy who covered the cobra retreat, including a bodyguard.


Luke cursed and didn’t know who he was. He hadn’t fired. He finally shot this time.

Cobra’s face was gloomy at this time, as if it could drip out of water. The guys who didn’t know where they came from were quite capable of fighting, and they clearly came to him.

“Summer, give it to them, you, cover me to leave.” Cobra’s cold voice came from behind Xia Jinyuan. “These **** guys, their goal is me.”

At this time, Xia Jinyuan’s back is tightly attached to the cobra, and his body is used to protect the safety of this snake.

The bullet that didn’t last long was in front of the fire and didn’t know where it was shot, and the heel of his leather shoes was smashed several times by the pop-up shell.

Hearing words, he said: “I will cover with Luke, there will be nothing!”

He will not let himself go wrong, he will still return to China in good condition.

In the battle, Luke did not hear what Xia Jinyuan said. When he saw several guys who had retreated, the darkness of Luke’s eyes became thicker.

The firepower in front has been interrupted, and Luke knows that when he leads the cobra to retreat, he takes the snake to step back to the trap that Russia has already dug.


He whispered and quickly replaced a new magazine.

The Russian flag flag special forces saw their goal gradually approaching, and the hidden ones held their breath slightly, and now they are waiting for them to come downstairs.

I saw it during the day, and then, with applause, welcomed the summer team back home during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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