Chapter 4141 is alive

As for the so-called rioters, they simply do not know who is the one who told them to do things. For them, riots are real riots.

The whole hotel became a Shura field, and the rioters themselves were cancers in the city. They were hidden during the day, and the activities at night, the more chaotic the whole city, the more happy they were, the life of them was no different from the death of several ants. .

Cobra is not mistaken. Every step he will think of the next ten steps. After ten steps, as the most outstanding entrepreneur and philanthropist in Melbourne, how can he expose his true face?

He will not, the rioters are real rioters, the rioters under the cobra, but not the rioters under the entrepreneur and philanthropist “Mr. Krone”.

Now it is cobra’s order to slaughter all the passengers in the hotel. It has nothing to do with the entrepreneur and philanthropist “Mr. Krone”. “Mr. Krone” is also one of the victims.

Xia Jinyuan stared at cobra for nearly a year and a half. Every time he faced his meticulous layout, he would add a bit of vigilance. He would never allow himself to make a mistake with a small hair, lest the slight difference would make this viper Suspicion.

If he is Luke, he will never take the initiative to say where he should retreat, and let Cobra himself judge how to retreat.

Because once the signal flag special forces appeared, Cobra found himself in an ambush, with his suspicious thoughts for the first time to think that Luke had problems.

Where to retreat, but Luke shouted out!

I hope that Luke can think of his own points. Don’t let Cobra really leave the hotel and fall into the hands of the signal flag special forces. Otherwise, Luke’s latent identity will be known to Cobra.

Luke did not think about letting cobra live tonight. He was ready to start cobra at any time, but the time has not yet arrived.

There are currently three top-notch bodyguards around Cobra, and six guys who are retreating from the cover and who are equally good at the game. If he is now killing cobra, he doesn’t want to live back home.

Therefore, he had to borrow the gun from the outside squad comrades to destroy the guy around Cobra, and then he chose to start.

Luke, who walked against the wall, looked at the cobra that was a little behind his distance. It was too dark. In fact, he couldn’t see the cobra at all, but he could feel that he had one hand holding the summer and the present, who wanted to move on. Light and light, attached to the eyes of Xia Jinyuan: “Summer, you need to be with me all the time, remember, don’t rush to the front.”

“I hope that after you have tonight, you and I can still live well.” Tonight, he and his last partner in summer, and there is no such thing as “Luke” tonight.

Luke, this is not his real name.

Luke’s reminder made Xia Jinyuan feel grateful. He knew that Luke did not want to have an accident, so he reminded himself again and again.

Smiled, he said: “You and I will have nothing to do.”

“Yes, man, we don’t have anything, do you have to know me? I won’t have anything to follow.” Luke also laughed. This time, he didn’t talk quietly, let the cobra behind. I heard it completely.

Yes, they don’t have anything, cobra is convinced that he won’t have anything.

Already through the first floor to the back garden of the promenade, the hotel is completely disconnected from the power line. All the actions are black. The front is dark and the rear is dark. No one knows if there is any hidden danger in the dark. Tightened to the body, a little bit of wind and grass will shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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