Chapter 4144 Blocking Messages

The hotel passed through the first floor of the corridor, and the sound of the guns was like a hell. The bullets were shot at close range. The **** smoke contained the smell of meat scorching, which was disgusting.

The Russian signal flag special had a moment to think that their intelligence officers had rebelled, until the signal tracker appeared again in the back garden and covered their target retreat today, only to be a little relieved.

They all know that the intelligence officers who sneaked into the target people have been lurking for six years. For six years, the military leaders told them secretly that if they found that the intelligence officers could not return smoothly, Then… let him stay in Melaburn.

The meaning of this statement is the same: it is found that the intelligence officer is different and directly killed.

But their captains firmly believe that the players below him, their comrades-in-arms will not have any problems, asking them no matter what happens, they must not blindly shoot, must reconfirm whether it is really different to be able to shoot.

The sniper saw Luke, who reappeared from the sight. He used the Russian official language to say “everything is normal” and continue to search for their goals.

The rioters in the hotel are all red-eyed. Their beliefs are only “killing”, and cobra is the source of “killing”. They don’t know who Cobra is. Now they only know that cobra is in the back garden. They need to cover the retreat.

Back to the hotel, Luke told the guy who commanded the entire riot, the voice was a little louder, and some of the rioters who didn’t know that Cobra was in the back garden of the hotel were as excited as the chicken blood.

The guy who commanded the whole riot was screaming at Luke: “You damn, guy without a long brain, you know you exposed the boss! I really want to unscrew your head and kick it into the sea. Feed the fish!”

Luke didn’t pay attention to it. If the communication was not blocked, he wouldn’t risk returning to the hotel to inform this… It won’t take long for the guy to die!

In order to prevent the rioters in the hotel from being in constant contact with the outside world, the government forces directly shielded the communication of the entire hotel.

They blocked the communication of the entire hotel, and also… blocked the passengers from asking for help, which was equivalent to blocking the news.

Luke had to return to the hotel to inform the guy who had been secretly commanding the entire riot.

The rioters who rushed into the back garden, regardless of whether they were in front of them, were all blindly armed with rifles, behind them cobra.

The bodyguards around cobra killed two more, and now only one cover cobra left, Xia Jinyuan and Luke a right-left protection cobra.

The flagship’s special forces will not be blindly beaten. They will only fire for the purpose, the bullets will be swept, and several people will immediately fall down.

The pennant special forces that are all in the best shooting position in the back garden are a bit like a game of “going the hamster”. A point-by-point shot will protect the cobra’s firepower from killing one point at a time.

Xia Jinyuan observed that the signal flag was to kill the people around Cobra one by one at the triangle point, and the black scorpion slightly secreted that he knew his chance.

These small fish and shrimps are handed over to the signal flag to destroy, and he is responsible for destroying the largest fish.

The thin lips finally showed the familiar smirk of the summer team listening to the “squeaky” intensive gunshots that continued to fly from the ear. The slender and straight body became instantly and very strong, pulling one to kill it. “Ah. The big guy was a back, and he stepped back and retreated to the back of the huge rock that planted the tall cactus on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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