Chapter 4150

Although he burned a little confused, He Jing still knew that Ye Jian had always taken care of himself. Xu Wen looked up and looked at it. He Jing lightly screamed, indicating that Xu Wen whispered a little, don’t wake up. simple.

Ye Jian’s alertness is strong, and a little bit of wind and grass can make her wake up. In the past few days, she was more tired than the trainees. She did not rest and came to the hospital to take care of herself. The blue shadow under the eyes was heavy. Let He Jing feel bad.

Xu Wen nodded and got up and said, “I am going to call the doctor and lie down.”

The man left the ward with a slap in the face, and Ye Jian, who was not awakened, continued to fall asleep until the footsteps of the doctor’s door was awakened.

Seeing the doctor coming in, Ye Jian suddenly got up from the bed, and then he saw that He Jing had a bit of ruddy blood, and even though his eyes were clear, he knew that his body would be great.

After all, she stayed in the medical school, knowing more or less.

Xu Wen saw that he woke up Ye Jian, and came over and whispered, “Is it good to sleep?”

“Sleep, spirit.” Ye Jian also whispered in order to avoid disturbing the doctor.

The doctor listened to He Jing’s heart and lungs, and then smiled and said: “Young is good, a few bottles of drip, and then sleep well, the condition has improved. I will continue to drip this afternoon, hospitalized for three days, depending on the condition to diagnose whether it can be discharged. ”

While talking about holding the pen on the medical record book, the dragon and the phoenix dance wrote, He Jing heard that he had to be hospitalized for three days, and his heart immediately counted it, four, five, six, seven… Fortunately, there was no delay in normal class.

The doctor confessed some precautions and left with the nurse. Xu Wen closed the door, poured a glass of water for He Jing, poured a glass of water on Ye Jian, and said: “Want to eat, I went downstairs to buy. You can only Eat light, porridge will become.”

This is what He Jing said.

To Ye Jian said: “Do you want to be spicy? Powder?”

“I am also porridge, I have to eat powder, she has a good time.” Ye Jianxiao said, there is no shadow in the powder, He Jing has been paralyzed.

The two stayed in the hospital for two days, Xu Wen relaxed and did not want to return to the military school.

Commander-in-chief of Xia went to Ye Jian for several consecutive calls, and reminded the phone to shut down until the contact department knew that Ye Jian went to the hospital to take care of the sick students.

Hanging up the phone, Yang, who is in the office, smiled and said: “There is no connection and no big relationship. Ayuan came back to the military and reported it. The second thing was to fly to the National Science and Technology University to find Ye Jian.”

Although the young people’s love affair Yang did not break, they all looked at them one by one. Nothing made him more happy than this pair.

Strong combination, you chase after me, talk about a relationship not only does not let yourself regress, but can mutually progress together and climb together, Yang Shao will feel that if you stop such a relationship, it will become a sinful sinner.

Already at noon on the 5th, the “Ace” that has been away for nearly a year and a half is also coming to the military.

Xia Jinyuan, who arrived in Beijing at 11:00 on the 5th, came down from the plane to the familiar land of deep love, and he was calm as he was.

Hundreds of days and nights, thousands of hours of circulation, he has finally returned since he was nearly a year and a half.

Familiar buildings, familiar crowds, familiar vehicles, familiar environment, and even the blue sky and the sky are so familiar. He once again came back to feel the “familiarity” of everything in China.

(End of this chapter)

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