Chapter 4154 Returning Lovers

Ye Jian did not say much, only one sentence, “I am waiting for you”, the iron skeleton, even if a few months ago, the chest did not scream a pain, did not drop a tear of Xia Jinyuan, this time his heart It hurts, and there are tears in my eyes.

Just five words, there is too much helplessness, too much worry, every word is heavy, every word is sore, his beloved girl is so waiting for him to come back, wait until ah.

Fortunately, he did not wait for her waiting, and finally came back.

The cheek gently rubbed on his chest, as if still confirming whether it was true or not, was he dreaming.

It’s so good, it’s good.

Her lover is back.

The pitiful kiss gently fell to the top of Ye Jian’s hair, and kissed deeply. The pain in my heart melted into the kiss and never left.

Ye Jian knows that he is kissing his own hair, she did not make it, the corner of the corner of the corner is deeper, softer and more satisfying.

“I am very sorry, I have kept you waiting.” With a lover who was obviously thin and big circle, the pain in Xia Jinyuan’s heart did not spread, and it became a pain in the twists, and there was tears in her hair, low-lying The sound trembled like a string. “I am sorry, I am worried.”

Ye Jianwen, who was buried in his arms, immediately shook his head and replied: “There is no long wait, just a little worried about you. Now that you are back, I am very happy.”

“You don’t have a **** smell on your body, and there is a faint smell of soap. You didn’t get hurt. You took a shower and came to look for me. Summer team, you have no words, so don’t feel sorry.”

Waiting is not terrible, because it will wait for the lover to be returned.

What kind of waiting is terrible?

Waiting for a lover who can never come back again, such waiting is the real horror, the real despair.

Now that he is back, there is nothing to be sorry, because she knows where he went and knows why he left the country. It is his responsibility and her responsibility.

Xia Jinyuan, who still has tears in his eyes, smiled. The girl he loved deeply always understood her. Then he supported him. This life has her and is perfect.

“When you come back, I will definitely come back. When one day I am waiting for you to come back, you will definitely come back. This is our agreement, the white-headed old agreement.”

Ye Jian nodded hard. “So, we have to remember the agreement and come back for each other’s waiting.”

Not too extravagant, only luxury every time you can come back alive, so even if you fall into a bone pain, there is hope.

Xia Jinyuan looked up and raised the tears in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at the ward where the lights went out. He kissed him and kissed him. He whispered, “Want to sleep? Do you want to go outside together?” Walk away?”

There were several sights on the nurse’s desk that fell and looked back, and I could feel the exploration in the line of sight.

Although Ye Jian did not wear military uniforms and only wore short-sleeved shorts, the nurses knew that there were three students from the military school in the ward. Although there were not many people in the evening, they still had to pay attention to .

There are still some people who are reluctant to let go of the leaves of their hands, “Hmm,” and whispered: “Come for a while, then hold for a while.”

I haven’t seen it for a long time, and there are too many acacia piled up in my heart. I just want to hold it.

She is rare to be spoiled, Xia Jinyuan will naturally follow her, even if the three nurses on duty at the nurse station stand up to watch, he is not moved.

Just look at it, my boyfriend is holding a girlfriend, normal!

(End of this chapter)

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