Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4156 - Powerful boyfriend

Chapter 4156 to force my boyfriend

Just like her, I really want to see my mouth, but I don’t know who knows.

The pros still didn’t kiss, the two men’s eyes were too hot, Xia Jinyuan first noticed that when she bowed her head and kissed Ye Jian’s forehead, she leaned over her ear and couldn’t resist the shallow squatting of her pink earlobe. Low smile: “Your two roommates woke up, and they are watching us.”

“Isn’t it necessary to say hello to them? Just wake up, go ahead and greet us and go down.”

If you go down, you won’t necessarily come back.

I haven’t seen each other for too long. I have too many words in my heart to say it. I don’t want to continue to sleep this night, talk, and then see what else can be done.

Ye Jian was not discovered as before, but he was blushing and unnatural. At this moment, the joy of reunion for a long time took the upper hand, and the sensibility was superior to rationality. Although some were not very funny, they fell in love with Xia Jinyuan. The big hands went to the ward together.

In the ward, the two roommates were flexible in their hands. As soon as the two men loosened their tight hugs, they rushed back to their bed at a light speed. At the same time, they slammed their hands and squatted and pretended to sleep.

Ye Jian came in and slammed the lights twice and saw the two people rushing back to the bed with a play-like moment. They also had a look of noisy and noisy. She stroked her forehead and went to a boyfriend who came in summer. The middle school said: “They usually like to play a show, and when they are in need of their acting breakout, they all pretend to sleep.”

Xia Jinyuan laughed. He knew that his girl was very happy with all the students in the school, and it was more suitable than the students in junior high school and high school.

Xu is like-minded, and the leaves that enter the military school are as good as water, and no one has ever stood up to pick her up.

He Jing heard that they had been secretly watched and found out. They didn’t have to pretend to sleep. They opened their eyes and simply climbed up and sat down. They looked at Xia Jinjin.

I can trace the characters of the whole school. For the secrets of countless male students, I must have something extraordinary. Therefore, she needs to have a good look.

Before I saw it, the elegance was still there. He Jing smiled and said: “Hello, I am a roommate of Xiaojianer and a comrade-in-arms, He Jing, I can’t see it, I miss him.”

It’s long enough… handsome enough to have a soldier’s taste!

In this way, hey, top!

They stood in a small place with them, and they were very beautiful.

Over there, Xu Wen, who had no way to pretend to sleep, climbed up, and then she held it up. She was slightly decapitated and generously said: “Hello, I am Xiaojian’s roommate and comrade, Xu Wen, very happy to know. you.”

Xia Jinyuan is elegant: “Two good, I am a little boy’s boyfriend and comrade Xia Jinyuan, I am very glad to meet you.”

On the road, I know that I am so attached to my heart.

Xu Wen squeezed his eyes at Ye Jian, indicating that the first impression was very good.

Shuai will not say, their little simple one-on-one beauty, you must find a first-class handsome guy. Mainly temperament, this temperament… Hey, all the male students in the school’s secret love Xiaoye Jane have hundreds of streets.

No, no, no, it should be said that living for a few hundred years may not have the temperament of this summer comrade, elegant, extravagant, plus very military, good guys, a momentum has been above the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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