Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4158 - I don’t think so much

Chapter 4158, I don’t want to think about it.

In the ward, Xu Wen smiled and leaned forward with a white quilt. “Oh, our family’s Jingjing is pure, this has not done bad things. Is it a hotel or a hotel? Hahaha, I am I have to laugh.”

As soon as I heard it, I knew that it was also a matter of nothing. Pure and pure. I also talked about a year of romance. Didn’t the two have a substantive breakthrough?

Adult men and women, is also a lover relationship, it is hard to see a face, dry fire and fire hit, the fire burned, I did not expect, He Jing is still so pure.

No wonder.

The first love breakup took a few months to get out of the shadow of love, this has no substantive relationship, and there is no trace of the first love in the body. It is sad to break up.

You know, people are forgetful.

He Jing was laughed and blushed by Xu Wen, and the quilt rushed to the door to extinguish the light. He said with no anger: “You think less, Xiao Jianer and her boyfriend will definitely not happen.”

“Small Jane’s self-control has always been strong, and she is very good. The boyfriend she is looking for must not be a generalized person. It is definitely excellent in all aspects, even stronger than Xiaojian, who has only entered her eyes.”

“You didn’t find out how good a little boy friend is to her? Now that we know that we are still students, talking about a love will scream out and talk, how can he do something bad?”

“In any case, with my understanding of Xiaojian, the two will not do anything bad if they don’t reunite for a long time. She also wants to have excellent students with clear goals and will not let her regret for a lifetime of greed.”

He Jing said very seriously in bed. Just now Xu Wen didn’t mention that, she really didn’t want to go above. She mentioned that although she said so in her mouth, she could not help but still have some concerns.

“You, don’t be so serious. It’s normal for me to have something. The hotel provides family planning supplies and can’t do anything.”

In the end, Xu Wen is from a big city. Her thoughts are much more open than He Jing. She does not support or oppose it.

Because that is a private matter between Ye Jian and her boyfriend, even if they have three relationships, some things have to be avoided.

Knowing that He Jing is worried, Xu Wen has comforted: “You have said that Ye Jian is excellent in himself, and the boyfriend he is looking for is definitely very good. Two excellent people are in one piece, and the matter can be clearly divided.”

“Our, salty radish less worry, it is better to sleep.” Xu Wen said to himself stretched a long lazy waist, yawning and squeezing tears, picking up the quilt comfortably closed eyes to sleep, “sleeping Sleeping, this day is a bit comfortable, no morning exercise in the morning, no need to name at night, time to arrange, oh, more comfortable than living at home.”

“Jingjing, if you don’t, just stay a few more days and let me relax.”

In exchange for a simple and domineering word, “Roll!”

“Well, let’s go to sleep.” Xu Wen smiled and should be satisfied.

As for what happens between Ye Jian and her boyfriend, what happens is that what happens, pay attention to contraception.

With the cleverness of the two, it is impossible to think of even contraception.

However, this matter is also not allowed. If there are several relationships, it will still be contraceptive in the foreplay. If… cough, she did not tell He Jing. If it is the first time, this contraception will not be thought of.

(End of this chapter)

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