Chapter 4168 The distance of the heart

At this time, Ye Jian does not need much pity. What she needs is a person who can work with her to find out the killing of Chen Shu. Xia Jinyuan knows her temper. The girl who comes out of the storm is strong enough to make people feel bad. He knows her. What is most needed.

When Chen Shu left that time, the girl he loved must be very painful. Perhaps even the beliefs of the past have collapsed. He has no way to return to that period. He can accompany her well and accompany her through Chen Shu. The saddest time.

He has no way to go back in time and return to the past.

Therefore, what he can do is to accompany her now and find out the murderer who killed Chen Shu.

In the past, all kinds of things were irreparable, and all kinds of things must be faced together in the future.

Ye Jian listened to the familiar calm voice. She wiped the tears on her face. When she opened her mouth, the sound was no longer soft and brought a cold breath. “Mr. Yang and the commander-in-chief are so skeptical. Chen Shu is not unaware. When it was dangerous, he noticed that he did the corresponding dodge action. Therefore, the bullet did not completely hit Chen Shu’s heart.”

“But… the bullets used by the snipers are not ordinary bullets…”

“They used the Dam bomb.” She did not say it, Xia Jinyuan had already thought of it.

As a world-class sniper, Chen Shu, since he has felt the danger and made a dodge action without letting the bullet hit the key, but still left, there is only one possibility.

The wound is dilated, causing a large area of ​​trauma, even if it does not hit the key, but as long as the distance is close, it is equally fatal.

In other words, the person who killed Chen Shu himself did not have much confidence, because he knew Chen’s position in the sniper world, and he did not dare to use ordinary bullets.

In order to be able to increase their chances of winning, it is best to use the internationally prohibited Dam.

As for why he directly guessed that it was a Dam, not another kind of empty-pointed bullet that was also internationally banned, due to time and place.

The train station is a densely populated place, people come and go very busy, and the air-pointing bullet is a bullet that enters the target and rapidly expands and blasts. The precise distance is very short, and the sniper who comes with the winning heart will naturally not choose. Empty bullets.

“What Chen Shu is most worried about is me. The doctor said that the first sentence of Chen Shu on the ambulance is to let the doctor give him a painkiller. He said that he has to wait for his only relatives.”

“I rushed over to see Chen Shu’s last side. When Chen Shu left, he did not forget that I should be careful not to take revenge for him.”

“Chen Shu knows that the murderer who killed himself is a very powerful sniper. He is afraid that I will seek revenge, and I am afraid that I will also take my life.”

“Xia team, I want to let Chen Shu go to peace of mind, I pretend to agree. I just pretend to promise, I must find out the murderer who killed Chen Shu, I will find out.”

The word is cold and like a snow, cold and chilly.

Xia Jinyuan knew that she was crying, and the wetness of her chest made him feel deeply distressed. She didn’t want her to carry his crying summer and summer, thin lips, and clasped Ye Jian to let her lean on her shoulder so that he could bow his head. Can see all the subtle expressions on her face.

In the quilt, the voice of “窸窸窣窣” came, and Ye Jian leaned on the generous shoulder that made her feel at ease. From the top of the head, he heard the cold voice that he could feel at ease. “I will accompany you to find the murderer.” Revenge for Chen Shu. I will accompany you and use the blood of the murderer to pay homage to Chen Shu.”

(End of this chapter)

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