Chapter 4175 彪悍 Answer

The smiling Xia Jinyuan will not see the three people in the bedroom. Only Xu Wen has the most ideas. He said with a smile: “I and Jane are both first love, so there is no previous one. But my opinion is that since the predecessor was Former predecessor, it will be cut off if it is broken. It will hurt if it is broken, because it is intimate to get along.”

“And my father bluntly said that if I didn’t go back to Jane, my son didn’t plan to ask for it. He directly recognized him as a daughter. The old man and the old lady also made a speech, except for other women who want to step into my house. Steps. Even my uncles, uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​smiled over me. There were more men at home, and one lacked one.


This answer is suffocating, so that Xu Wen’s next attack is all like a bubble, and all the handkerchiefs are not broken.

If she doesn’t understand the mistake, Xiaojian has already seen her boyfriend’s father, her boyfriend’s grandparents, her boyfriend’s uncle, uncle, boyfriend’s cousin, and cousin…

Then, I got a high degree of recognition from my boyfriend’s family… If the gentleman didn’t reach Xiaojian, he couldn’t even return home.

Xu Wen thinks… She patted Ye Jian’s shoulder and said seriously: “It’s a small Jane, all aspects are top-notch, doing beautiful!”

Too beautiful, let the man’s family recognize that the man is not allowed, as long as the woman.

Great, our little simple!

He Jing was also shocked.

She also said to Xu Wen in the morning that she did not know whether Ye Jian had seen the man’s family. Have you ever understood the man carefully? She said that a love really understands that love can be a matter for you and a boyfriend, but marriage is really The matter of the two families.

If the man has any dissatisfaction, or if the woman has any dissatisfaction, the relationship between the two is really easy to go wrong.

Therefore, just now Xu Wen had intentionally or unintentionally tested that she did not stop, and wanted to know the attitude of Ye Jian’s boyfriend.

I know that I have already seen my parents, and it’s only one step away from making a positive result!

I didn’t think that the man who was at the same level of life and who was not at the same level was actually with Ye Jian or his first love. He Jing felt a little unbelievable.

The man who looks like a moon, and Ye Jian is the first love, I really can’t see it.

Xu Wen has said: “You are a brother of Jingli, it looks good, and the family is not bad. It is quite admirable if you are a little loved.”

“Your answer to the predecessor’s topic is also good. We have also discussed the three. We agreed that the former breakup will never be contacted. Of course, this has nothing to do with Xiaojian, because she has not talked about her boyfriend, you are also his first love. “”

“But what, let’s just know that you are a very good girl. I am pursuing her male student. I have an initial ranking. It is estimated that there is a row…”

Ye Jian snorted and asked her: “Where did you count the data from the statistics? From the statistics of the male students who spoke to me?”

“Real data, in addition to training and learning, you live like a nun. I don’t know if it is normal. Anyway, I and He Jing know.”

He Jing said… she doesn’t know.

Xu Wen also gave her a wink, and He Jing did not respond, but after years of tacit understanding, she only needs to know that it is better to answer a “yes” now.

However, the response was slower and half-beat first “ah” and then “oh”, the credibility inside was instantly reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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