Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4182 - Master, summer team

Chapter 4182, Master, Summer Team

When I was happy, Comrade Ye Jian began to feel uneasy. I will explain to my brother how to tell her. I can’t say that she actually came tonight.

No, no, no, you can’t say that.

Since my brother directly found the hotel and waited for her, I must have known that she and the summer team slept in the hotel last night. Then, did the brother know that she and the summer team actually slept in the same room last night?

I shouldn’t know, if I know, I won’t say to her room, or the room of the summer team.

I thought that Ye Jian was light and relaxed.

If you don’t know, just say that you can go straight to the Xia team room without revealing the stuffing.

“All are in, we have the same floor in both rooms.” Xia Jinyuan smiled, “a 1608, a 1601, very close.”

Huh? Eh? Two rooms.

Ye Jian blinked his eyes and looked at his man without any traces.

When did he open two rooms?

last night?

Impossible, she only saw a room card in his hand last night.

Li Yinian did not see Ye Jian’s little movements, he only stared at Xia Jinyuan.

With his understanding of Xia Jinjin… A guy who is never honest, who has seen his bones, will open two rooms?


When I entered the hotel, the whole person hated not to hang on to her sister. It was also holding hands and shoulders. With so many small moves, would I open two rooms?

I don’t believe that Li Lannian saw the cups on the bed and coffee table in Room 1601, and the two pairs of disposable slippers that were unpacked. The same was true in Room 1608, which was believed to have opened two rooms.

Standing in room 1608, that is, in the room where the two people slept together last night, Ye briefly did not see a cup of Chinese food that she had not finished drinking. She almost thought that she actually slept in room 1601 last night instead of room 1608. It is.

The two rooms looked like…there were two people who slept two rooms last night!

Li Yannian’s room is room 1613. He also carries a mobile travel bag. He took the room card handed over by Xia Jinyuan. On the leaf, he said: “I will go back to the room and wash it again. You have to sleep. Going back to sleep, I have something to talk about with him.”

The room of Ye Jian is naturally room 1601.

Hearing his words, he shook his head. “Get up late today, I don’t want to sleep, let’s talk together. I haven’t seen my eldest brother for a long time, I want to talk.”

“Okay, listen to you.” Li Yannian smiled at the head of Jane’s Jane, and took Ye Jian’s handsome short hair into a bird’s nest. He stopped. “I will come over in five minutes.”

Xia Jinyuan said: “Well, we are waiting for you.”

What can I do in five minutes?

At most, it was a little bit of action for Xia Jinyuan. The pressure of the devil immediately fell to the guardian’s Li Mowang and left the room with his lips.

Together with her eldest brother, Ye Jane patted her chest and shouted “I am nervous and nervous”. In the laughter of Xia Jinyuan, who couldn’t help but laugh, she asked: “How can there be two rooms, obviously not, even the rooms are disguised as How did you get asleep? I don’t know if my brother will come over. You won’t have to attend the talent introduction conference.”

“Two rooms, on-site disguise, little things.” She was so nervous that she laughed and laughed at the summer school. She screamed at her and carefully explained her. “I went to pour water and took the time to open the room at the front desk.” Let their waiters go to room 1601 to mess with us, shoes, bath towels, everything messed up, must pretend that room 1601 has been asleep.”

“We chatted downstairs. The waiters on the 16th floor were pretending to be on the scene for us. They did it very clearly. It made people think that someone in the room had slept, so Room 1601 became what you just saw.”

(End of this chapter)

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